PC gaming isn’t dead, and will soon overtake consoles


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If the sibilant naysaying pundits have got to you, you’re probably under the illusion that PC gaming is dead. Long live the console! Halo is the best FPS ever made! Comfy couch gaming 4 evah! Well, Nvidia and DFC Intelligence have news for you: PC gaming isn’t dead; and in fact, PC gaming is actually growing — and console gaming is shrinking.
For the last couple of years, the revenue from console video game sales has stagnated at around $23 billion per year. PC game sales, on the other hand, have grown from $13 billion to $18 billion over the past two years. DFC, a market research firm, expects console game sales to stagnate or shrink slightly, while the PC sector will continue to grow. By 2014, DFC predicts that PC game revenue will outsell console game revenue.

Now there are a lot of variables at stake here — most notably, the current generation of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony consoles are reaching retirement age — but it’s impossible to deny that PC gaming is growing. Now that we have that out of the way we can move onto an even better question: why is PC gaming not dead?

The simple answer is social gaming and micro-transactions. If you look at the graph below, digital sales already make up 80% of all PC game revenue, and by 2015 packaged, meatspace games will account for just 10% of the market, or $2 billion out of $23 billion. Unfortunately DFC’s data doesn’t break down digital sales into categories, but it’s safe to assume that Steam, Origin, and other digital distribution platforms make up a large portion of the sales — and the rest will be accounted for by social games companies. Zynga, for example, made $600 million in 2010 — about 5% of the PC game market! — and all of that stems from people buying special tractors in FarmVille and beautiful condos in CityVille.


PC gaming certainly isn’t dead, then — but perhaps the archetypal PC gamer is. While PC gaming used to be defined by the t-shirted, hairy, moobed, hunched-over-a-keyboard-nose-three-inches-from-the-screen FPSer, the PC gamer of tomorrow will wear a dressing gown, be equipped with real boobs, and poke away at her farm in between making breakfast for the kids and driving them to school.


I think PC gaming was never dead to begin with since there are always people playing PC games, and enjoying them, so to them PC gaming was not dead since they still had games to play, and buy to play on their PC.

There are also games which are sold, but don't get tracked because the company selling their games sold it on their own website like MineCraft, so no one knows how much he sells except for himself if he did not release his earnings to the public. Many Open Source Free PC games are also donation based, so their donation funds also don't get tracked.

Maple Story, Gaia, and many other MMO free to play, micro-transaction sites also don't actively share their profits with a lot of people.
To me steam has helped bring PC into compation with home consoles and with the indie sceen growing fast it'll keep going.
PC was never gonna die but some of the big guys might have left it seeing consoles as the larger market.
PC also give opportunity to independent game programmers/makers since it is easier to use JAVA, HTML5, C++, C, and other programming languages to port their games to Windows, Mac, Linux, UNIX, and other PC operating systems then converting a game made for Xbox 360 to PS3 which does not go very well in many cases.

Minecraft is a good game which is played by many Windows, Mac, Linux, and other OS PC owners.

Plus, you can now play smaller games like Cut The Rope from any modern web browser with HTML5 support at http://www.cuttherope.ie/ , so I see programmers just subscribing to a web server, and releasing their HTML5 games for everyone to play, or let fans host their games on their site for a fee or small price.
I don't really see both platforms dying anytime soon. Competition between them is good for us as consumers as we get to play better games in the end.
There are thousands of gamers that plays Call of Duty MW3 online Via Steam.. each day. In just 1-2 days, I have 50 friends in my online players list and they all show up regularly.
That's just one game..

PC gaming isn't dead.. I'm not sure about it passing console gaming, btw..
I think there won't be one dominant gaming device category in the future since now people can play games on computers, laptops, game consoles, tablets, smartphones, web browsers, and other devices.

The prices for gaming computers are also coming down in price to a more affordable price then in the past when gaming computers cost thousands of dollars. Now you can build a gaming computer for 500 dollars or more, or you can buy one for 800 or more dollars.

Tablets and Smartphones which can play games are also pretty affordable at 200-300 dollars or more for an Android Tablet which can play games in 3D.
I remember reading about this article months ago as well and this is so true. Just look at how much steam user numbers have increased.
People not having a lot of money might be leading people to play games on their computer and other devices since PC, Tablets, and Smartphones are the only devices which have free multiplayer games like Maplestory, RuneScape, and a ton of other games, and steam, onlive, Apple Appstore, Android Market, and other online digital marketplaces for PC games let people buy some games for under 10 dollars.

Plus, many people can get a decently fast PC for playing games from a relative, friend, craigslist, eBay and online for free or a cheap price since a lot of people don't bother fixing PC once one part break, or the PC becomes heavily infected by viruses making it slow. If you know how to reinstall Windows, and install a new graphics card, you can play PC games. Some people also upgrade PC parts a lot, so finding cheaper used PC parts is not very hard.
Well gaming on PC is free but so modified and hacked where you don't even have to do anything on your own which makes it no fun in my opinion
I play more PC games than i do console, probably because i just bought a Gaming laptop. I've only got a Nintendo Wii in the current console market so who knows what will happen when the new generation of consoles start getting released.
I remember reading about this article months ago as well and this is so true. Just look at how much steam user numbers have increased.
Do you play MW3? What's your Steam ID?

Well gaming on PC is free but so modified and hacked where you don't even have to do anything on your own which makes it no fun in my opinion
Games in Steam aren't free and if you're caught hacking, your Steam account will be banned (and I think that you'll lose all of your games as well)
Never have i thought PC gaming was dead. It never will die and yes, it WILL soon overtake console gaming easily.
I read from Engadget at http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/26/steam-for-linux-on-video/ Steam is working on a Linux version of their popular gaming software. This could mean there will be even more gaming on the PC since Linux is a free operating system which means Gamers no longer have to be tied into buying a expensive Microsoft License which can cost hundreds of dollars just to play the latest PC games, and the Linux operating system is more efficient then Windows since Linux does not need very fast hardware to run at fast speed. I'm using a old computer with only 1GB of RAM, and a 1.86GHz CPU to run Ubuntu 12.04, and it runs pretty fast compared to Windows 7 which need at least 2GB of RAM and a 2GHz multi-core CPU to run fast.

This could also mean Steam or a Linux savvy programmer would make a custom Linux based operating system for Gaming with Steam like how Google modified the Linux OS for Android, and ChromeOS to use on mobile phones and netbooks for making calls, and cloud computing via Google Chrome.
I play more PC games than i do console, probably because i just bought a Gaming laptop. I've only got a Nintendo Wii in the current console market so who knows what will happen when the new generation of consoles start getting released.

Once you start PC gaming, you never go back.
Why would PC games die?
PC is still the most powerful machine for gaming. You can easily upgrade hardware in PC and make it to play the latest games.
PC can do more than just playing the game. I can record videos of my game footage with Fraps. Can a console do that?
I also love to play with other real people. A LOT of other players. PCs were the first gaming machine to be able to play online with other people, and it still is the thing that can connect you to the most people.
For someone who like to play First Person Shooter, I feel keyboard and mouse are superior to controllers for shooting.
PCs can use other controllers as well. Just hook it up and you can play other games as well.

I remember over a decade ago, I was having this small software that allow me to play PlayStation games on PC. Just hook up a controller, and you are all set. The same can't be said with console. You have to have specific console for specific console game.
For me, PC still is my number 1 choice when playing a game. I have tried different consoles but I grow up playing on a PC and that still feels like "home". There are still lots of great games for PC and as long as I'll have where to chose from I'm gonna stick with it.