PC or laptop made for gaming?


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Do you play games on a PC made for gaming or a laptop made for gaming? Why do you prefer that one over the other? How much did you pay for the computer? Which is better in your opinion?
Prefer PC rather than Laptop for gaming because with PC you can easily build a gaming rig with much much higher spec parts with much much less money and easily upgrade-able, I spent around US$ 1200 on my current PC and can run current gen games nicely. But now is not the best time to build a gaming rig with all the crazy RAM prices probably in 2019 the RAM prices will go down. Consoles are still the best option for gaming though imo because of the price and, performance and/or features ratio. The main reason on why I have a gaming PC is because I am a Realistic Combat Flight Sim fan and you can only play those type of games on PC, otherwise I'd stick to consoles.
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I always have preferred a desktop PC for gaming. And I don't think that consoles have a good price/performance ratio.
The only pro to a gaming laptop is its mobility. Thats it. What you get is what you are stuck with. Theres no upgrading, harder to repair, no personalization whatsoever, screen wont be as good as most monitors you can buy for a PC, and you woant get as good of a gaming experience in my opinion. But the main thing like I said, no upgrading.
I prefer using a Desktop PC for Gaming. Sometimes it is even possible to play newer games with better graphics on a cheaper desktop PC after installing a $100 to 200 video card, and installing 4 GB or more of RAM, so the PC has 8GB or more RAM.
I play on PC and console, laptops in my opinion can't handle long use and get over heated quicker. Hence defeating the purpose of their purchase.
I like the design of Gaming Desktops computers more. I feel buying a cool looking $1000+ desktop gaming computer is more worth it than a gaming laptop which does not look as nice. Some gaming desktop towers have nice looking cases, and I can also install extra neon lights, color changing fans, and other things on a gaming desktop to make it look unique.