PC Sales biggest drop in 2013 with 10 percent decline in sales


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Acer and Asus take brunt of the fall

THE GLOBAL PC MARKET took a turn for the worse in 2013 after a somewhat bumpy ride the past few years, with shipments falling 10 percent over the last 12 months.

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I'm guessing, more people are building their own desktop computers, so fewer people are buying PCs. There are also cheaper alternative to Windows PCs like the $35 RaspberryPi, Google Chromebooks, Google Android settop box PCs, and Linux PCs and laptops which can all be bought for $199 or less which is less than the price of a Full Windows Pro retail install disc which can cost over $200 + sales taxes.
I bought my PC in Jan. 2013, well the parts for it.  Dropped about $1000 in all.  But yeah, I think more and more people are going custom.
It is also pretty easy finding a friend, family member, or computer assembler on Craigslist to put together a custom PC from parts someone bought themselves.

Some computer stores also can assemble your PC from parts you bought for them, and you just need to pay the store $20 or less, and buyer still end up saving some money compared to buying a similar PC from Dell, HP, or Acer.

Cyberpower PC, Falcon, and other gaming pc companies mostly sell custom PCs where you can pick your motherboard, CPU, RAM, and case, and the custom pc builder will ship it to you when they finish building it.
And Alienware seems to make nice PCs as well.
Not happy to see ASUS fall in sales, but many people own PCs these days leading to lower sales.
Demon_Skeith said:
Not happy to see ASUS fall in sales, but many people own PCs these days leading to lower sales.
What do you mean?
Demon_Skeith said:
Not happy to see ASUS fall in sales, but many people own PCs these days leading to lower sales.
It is also pretty easy to build a good PC from a broken PC which is easy to get for free, or bought cheaply on the used PC market like eBay, Craigslist, friends, and Amazon Marketplace. Sometimes, you just need to replace the RAM, power supply, or hard drive, and the broken PC is fixed.

The information for learning how to fix a broken PC can be easily found on Computer help websites, and Computer repair books at the library, or a book store.

I can find a slightly older used PC with a Dual or Quad Core CPU from a friend, relative, or stranger from Craigslist, and I just need to upgrade the RAM, install a better video card, and install a 500GB or bigger hard drive, and I have a good PC which is good enough for watching videos, playing older games, music, web browsers and Word Processing. 

I think more people are also buying or building used computers from used computer parts from older computers like how more people buy or build used cars because they are cheaper than new purchases.

I believe, sales tracking companies only track new computer sales while not tracking the sales of used computers because it is harder to track the sales of used computers from Craigslists, garage sales, eBay, sales from family, and friends because most of these sales are private.