People who complain about "wasting bandwidth" because of a crappy video or website?


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I find it kind of strange that people still say "This is a waste of bandwidth" when they see a crappy video or website since Cable and DSL internet is fast thesedays.

Plus, I find it kind of rude when people say you are "wasting bandwidth" because they don't like your videos.

Plus, very few Internet Service Providers care about how much bandwidth you use unless you download tons of movies, music, and large files off the internet.
I think these people are a waste of space whom have nothing better to do with their time than to bitch at someone else.. and they like to hear themselves when doing so.

If you don't like something, then don't watch it. It is simple as that.

I wouldn't want to hear anyone saying this... ( I never heard someone ever complained about this, until now by reading this post )
People who say "waste of bandwidth" are usually just geeky trolls on the "Science and Tech" section on Youtube, Tech forum, blog or some other interactive social site.

Complaining about bandwidth is such a tiny problems since the internet is fast these days, and high speed internet is affordable where bandwidth is not much of a problem if you just use it to browse the web or play games and not pirate HD movies.

Plus, they don't have the smarts to give suggestions on how people can improve their videos like "speaking louder if they have a soft voice" or "turning down the music during recording a vid".
I think that the people who say it, show their idiocy in the fact that, they declare it to be a waste, yet they actually sat there and watched it, and ended up taking another second or 2 to bitch about it.

You'd think that if it was so bad that, you'd just leave and never return, as opposed to spending the extra time to watch and complain about it.
Indeed, plus by posting a message which does not add anything informative to the conversation, they are using bandwidth by posting the message and making the video page use some more space and bandwidth everytime the page with their comment is loaded.

I just use the thumbs down button or give the video 1-2 stars if it is very bad.
I'm not to concerned about bandwidth. so if someone wastes my time I say meh and move on.