Excellent "hand dancing" there Suwako.

E! You are associate with Amemiya-kun!Saw some new fan art and a fan comic on twitter:
E! You are associate with Amemiya-kun!
That is right! What is wrong?
(I completed said...)
Hee! From when you are associate?
That people seem like good boyfriend
He... eeeeeeh...!
So...sorry, because it is emberras, forgive me...
A, it is serious guy
It is extreme love guy
Now see, she should be wearing her red tights in that pic.
So will you go for the harem route, no waifu route or exclusive waifu route or Bro route lol?I just bought this game when it first came out, but then I've only played the first level... then put the game on hold.... for a long while. now trying to pick it up again, I might have to start over.
Sojiro the coffee Boss, though it needs sojiro's head there lol