Persona 5

how do you ever plan on beating this game in time for FF 7 remake?

Not possible and never planned that, instead i am going to play it in "parallel" with FF7 remake and Trails Of Cold Steel III PC.
Recorded the new Shota and Councillor:
Trusting a random kid, perfectly okay!

The new confidants are fishy but the shota got some nice items and mementos + effects if you give him the mementos flowers and stamps and the Councillor is important for
getting the new final palace and storyline you have to max or rank 9 his confidant level, one of the requirements to get the true ending in Royal.
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I will always pick Ann for Joker to annoy the cat lol
you dare dis Makoto/Futaba?!

My version of Joker never likes Makoto, too bossy and Futaba is like a little sister to him. And picking them will not annoy the cat!

Makoto is perfect with Ryuji like the special attack animation they shared in Royal version lol.
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I go with Ann or Hifumi but I may make a move on my school teacher this time :P

Hifumi's rank 10 allows you to swap current party with backup members during anyone’s turn, it's pretty useful.

I also get the little sister vibe from Futaba. It doesn't feel right lol.
I go with Ann or Hifumi but I may make a move on my school teacher this time :p

and get free massages lol while Cloud has to pay 1000 - 3000 gil for massages at madam M's.
Only on Ps4 atm.