PC/Mobile Players Lose $1 Million Worth of PUBG Skins


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Over the past few days, we have seen quite a big crackdown over in-game PUBG skins. Valve was in the driving seat as it took down various websites who were famous for trading skins for CS:GO and Dota 2 and most recently PUBG.

Valve has now turned its aim towards PUBG and most notably the item trading website OPSkins. Valve has stopped skin trading on the said website without any “grace period.” This has prevented players to even retrieve their PUBG skins from the website. And the community is not very happy about it.

According to the research from the Redditor, IAmNotOnRedditAtWork a total of 964,243 PUBG skins that are worth over $1 Million are lost in the process.
Well it was going to happen one day that those site get shutdown, because big $$$ can be made out of it.
Well it was going to happen one day that those site get shutdown, because big $$$ can be made out of it.
But over a million dollars worth of skins and transactions are lost in all of this. That's a lot of inventory to just *poof* vanish.
But over a million dollars worth of skins and transactions are lost in all of this. That's a lot of inventory to just *poof* vanish.

if its all digital, easily for it to happen really.