Playstation 3.5 In The Works?


Well-Known Member

A new trademark protection application filed by Sony reveals they might have something revolutionary up their well-guarded sleeves. With on demand video and PlayStation Home just around the corner, you'd think that they had gadget convergence well and truly covered, but it seems that isn't so. As reported by trademark watchers Trademork, the massive electronics company has applied to protect a mysterious new television and home entertainment system, under the name Mezone.

The December 5th filing covers a quite staggering array of Sony services, including "Computer hardware, set top boxes, remote controls, and computer software and peripherals, namely audio and video receivers and transmitters and computer software programs enabling receipt, download, playing, personalized and interactive viewing, and rental of audio and video programming through the use of internet connections to computer hardware, receiver and transmitter apparatuses that connect to a television set or monitor, computer software for use in database management; computer software for uploading, manipulating, and enhancing digital content, documents, photographs, images, video, and audio; computer software for linking metadata tags with photographic and other media files to enable search engine retrieval and database software collections of files and their on-line sharing...." - the list goes on, even including blankets, ties and pants.

The key word here though is 'playing', meaning games are definitely involved in some way. Could it be that like so many before them, Sony are going to bring out some expanded version of their home console? Sega once produced a Sat-Nav enabled 'Hi-Saturn', and Nintendo released a multimedia 'Panasonic Q' Gamecube, so perhaps some new version of the PS3 is on its way. However, considering the functionality the PS3 already has, and based on the trademark name, it's more likely Mezone covers some new social networking service or other system for connecting media and consumers. For now greets you with an abrupt access denial, so we'll have to wait for more on those ties and pants.
QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ December 18, 2007 10:17 pm) already PS3 owners are being screwed as better PS3 are coming out.
Right on Demon. I feel bad for both the consumer who bought the original PS3, and the company making such foolish move to get back on track in the console wars. Won't they just abandon ship ASAP, before they lose more money in producing a better looking console with addons. How many PS3s are not being sold right now?
QUOTE (Namric @ December 18, 2007 10:32 pm) QUOTE (Demon_Skeith @ December 18, 2007 10:17 pm) already PS3 owners are being screwed as better PS3 are coming out.
Right on Demon. I feel bad for both the consumer who bought the original PS3, and the company making such foolish move to get back on track in the console wars. Won't they just abandon ship ASAP, before they lose more money in producing a better looking console with addons. How many PS3s are not being sold right now?
lot's due to price and they still haven't even used everything that the current PS3 has for games. this is another reason why everyone should not go out and buy a new system.