Nintendo Pokémon Fans Mixed On Diamond and Pearl Remakes


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Not every Pokémon player is happy about the new gameplay details that are emerging for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, the Switch remakes of Nintendo DS’ Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. In fact, a significant portion of the playerbase is currently upset because Exp. Share (a feature in which experience points are distributed among all members of a Pokémon party) is going to be permanently on.

The latest round of previews for the Pokémon Sinnoh-region remake games revealed that permanent Exp. Share will return and cannot be toggled off, which has prompted a lot of mixed reactions from the playerbase. Some welcomed the inclusion of a mechanic that would make it easier to raise Pokémon. Other players thought that spreading experience points across the entire party was a step backward for the remakes.

In most prior games, battle experience was only distributed among the Pokemon who actually participate in a battle, which gave players more control over how their Pokémon were trained. And even when a game had Exp. Share, it was an item that would only grant non-participant experience points to the Pokémon who were holding one. So some players are worried that the developers are taking control away from them.

Others pointed out that the far more annoying change was bringing back single-use technical machines (TMs), items that can teach special attacks to Pokémon.

Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of this new mechanic where everyone get experience at all times. I mean, you can turn it off, but... it's there. If you wanna be competitive vs other humans at some point, you're just shooting yourself in the leg not using it, if they are.
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of this new mechanic where everyone get experience at all times. I mean, you can turn it off, but... it's there. If you wanna be competitive vs other humans at some point, you're just shooting yourself in the leg not using it, if they are.

pretty much this, gamefreak needs to lose the pokemon license so others can do more with it.
Probably wouldn't be a bad thing! There are a lot of fan-made pokemon versions out there, which I prefer to play, as they get what players want.
We should sue GameFreak for the custody of the Pokémon franchise!

"We promise! We'll take really good care of them! We'll feed them and walk them every day, honest!"

Anyways, I don't mind those changes, actually! For someone who's been playing Pokémon since the 1st generation, I've really adapted to these changes! I hope they have compatibility with Sword and Shield! Lots of items will be traded between the pairs! (I really love collecting the various items in the games! It's on par with collecting Pokémon!) I'm excited for contests, too!

I would also say, the 6th generation was BY FAR THE BEST POKéMON GENERATION THERE WAS!!! I put nearly 800 hours in both X & Y, and OVER 800 hours in both OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire! These were not combined either! I play both versions of Pokémon simultaneously! These were the longest amounts of playtime I've ever put into individual Pokémon games! They were a Pokémon revolution! Sadly, it all ended after the National Pokédex was retired starting from the 7th generation... There hasn't been any other motivation to put the same amount of dedication I put into the 6th generation games (4th generation was also a very good generation for me as well!) into the later games... It's almost like the Pokémon franchise has already ended a decade ago, and all the generations past the 6th generation almost feel like the franchise is in some sort of post death limbo... Anyway, I hope the Sinnoh remakes (don't feel like typing the titles) will give me the motivation to play those games for 1000 hours! Diamond & Pearl were one of my favorites, too!

I am still waiting for GameFreak to make the Pokémon games that will motivate me to play them for literally 800 hours, like the 6th generation! So far, they have not delivered those games to me! Thus, Pokémon will still continue to operate in a post-death limbo state: It is still Pokémon, but not really the Pokémon we've all known a decade ago... Maybe Pokémon will finally find peace and depart to the afterlife, or be revived in a way that we all expect it to be all those years ago...

Whew, that was a long typing!
On that note - I was considering getting a switch so I can play sword and shield - is it worth? I recently got a DS so I could play all the games of that generation and older, but isn't the pricetag quite high if you want all the DLC?
On that note - I was considering getting a switch so I can play sword and shield - is it worth? I recently got a DS so I could play all the games of that generation and older, but isn't the pricetag quite high if you want all the DLC?

Pretty sure it is a high cost with the DLC, and I've heard mixed things. Best look up a few gameplay trailers and decide.
I'm fine with exp. share always on. It makes it so that you don't have to keep switching Pokemon that aren't effective in battle in and out just for that tiny bit of experience. The thing with the TMs being single use sucks, but it is a remake of a game pre infinite TM so it makes sense.
For me, I feel less invested in each and every pokemon - I tend to turn off shared EXP, as I like to train them individually and build up a "bond" with them over the course of the playthrough. When they just grow stronger all the time sitting on the sideline and never seeing battle... yeah, it just doesn't really do it for me. I don't feel anything for the pokemons I never use.