Switch Pokemon Bank to HOME PSA

Artisan Vistra

Everyone's Rival
Staff member
Amazon $20 Gift Card
Amazon $20 Gift Card
Amazon $20 Gift Card
Amazon $20 Gift Card
I've read that at a certain point, transferring Pokemon from Bank to HOME will be impossible because they will be closing Pokemon Bank down near April 2024. My problem is that many Pokemon from previous generations are frustratingly difficult to get in current generations legally. Like 0 Speed IV, Quiet, Shiny Cresselia was used in competitive VGC and was likely caught in Black and White 2. SOS Pokemon in Gen 7 are easier to get, because the farther you SOS hunt, the easier it is to get Shiny and 4IV mons with Hidden Abilities. Because Game Freak has never made ways to make IVs lower than they are when caught, that can lead to a severe competitive disadvantage in the future for people who don't have the time to add Pokemon to their teams, because of the grinding involved to get Ability Patches, Capsules, Bottle Caps, Mints, and level up items. On top of that, it is known that even Square shinies were accessible in Gen 5, which are rarer than regular shinies. If you require a certain Pokemon that you desperately don't have and want to make competitive, or even a Pokemon with 0 IVs in Atk or Speed, and do not have the Ditto to breed with and/or want shiny, then get it now. RNG Abuse is very easy with a CFW 3DS and an emulator of choice so you can move the saves and ROM without downloading on sketchy sites. The biggest win is you can clone Pokemon with no drawbacks of losing them in previous generations you got them in.

When your Pokemon reach HOME, they have a tracker put on them, verifying where they came from. You cannot do this by using a modded Switch and editing game saves beyond Sword and Shield, and even then, the Pokemon will be regarded as illegal anyway without the tracker. If anything, losing connectivity is a net loss for this community, even if it's paid content Nintendo decides to remove an option to use. You cannot pray enough to have a new service come in in place of it, or a jailbroken Switch custom software to solve this problem.

Whatever the case is, I am going to get my competitive Square shinies to keep shortly to transfer over from Gen 5 to Bank, to HOME and duplicate them in the process. Take care of yourself.