Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Announced for Nintendo Switch

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Well, it’s been rumour for years. Indeed, ever since Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were released in 2014, fans have been left wondering when Pokemon Diamond and Pearl would get the same treatment. After all, the previous games were remade, and Pokemon Diamond and Pearl were some of the best received games in the […]

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Should look great on the Switch.
I am super not looking forward to this at all. Gen 4 was my least favorite in all of Pokemon history and it even made me quit Pokemon for like 6 years. I only came back to see why Black and White had a direct sequel because that was new for Pokemon. The only reason I'm bothering to get it at all is because I promised a friend that I would play it if it ever got remade because to be honest, I never thought they would remake it. Yet, here we are. I'm also mostly playing because Piplup. Penguins have been my favorite animal for a long time, but I chose Chimchar as a kid because I prioritized fire types, which was a mistake. Also I just remember the plot being boring and the team wasn't exactly memorable. I just remember beating the leader dude with Dialga or whatever and he was like, "Well I failed bye" and was never heard from again. Until
he showed up randomly in USUM with all the other past bosses.

Spoilers for Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon, if anyone cares.