Pokemon GO Helps Boost Nintendo 3DS Hardware Sales


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As you can see in the charts above published by The Wall Street Journal, it shows how Pokemon GO has caused an increase in sales of the Nintendo 3DS console. It also shows how there is an increase in sales of Pokemon games following its release, and the spike in sales after the release of Pokemon GO is really quite hard to chalk up to mere coincidence.

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It's good to know that there are a lot of people who are now 3DS gamers because of Pokemon Go.

I bet, Sony Vita handheld may also got a few sales in the future when people want to play some shooters, action. RPG, and racing games which are not available on the 3DS. Once gamers get bored of playing Pokemon, they may sell their 3DS and get a Vita handheld.

It would be great if Pokemon Go ends up making handheld gaming more mainstream like when the Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, and PSP were more popular.
I wonder if this will boost the NX sales when time comes?
I wonder if this will boost the NX sales when time comes?

Most likely Pokemon Go will help generate hype for the NX which can increase sales. I bet, a lot more people are now using the internet to search for "Nintendo consoles, Pokemon Nintendo consoles, and similar search terms."

I bet, when a Pokemon game is released for the NX, and if Pokemon Go is still popular, there would be Pokemon Go players who buy the NX console to play Pokemon.