Political affiliation?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
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What is yours? Are you left or right of centre, what political party do you support, all that kind of chat can go in this topic I guess.
Centrist, because I believe extreme views on both sides which seem to counter each other out when I use political affiliation calculators.
Definitely on the left. I definitely support the small tax increases California might end up with to help solve the budget.

What's nice about living in the Bay Area is that you don't meet very many right-wings. My World Studies teacher can safely be very liberal. (He also can be safely openly gay.)
Moderate. Left leaning in many ways, but I support capital punishment and abortion (with strict regulation).
What I believe in doesn't exist. All of the countries should come together and forget all the politics. We should be working to progress humanity as a whole, the way we're heading is self destruction. I'm pretty sure most of that would be labeled as "hippie bullshit" though.
Although my family is mostly conservative and Republican, I have no real experience in the world to know my true political affiliation. It's kind of odd, because I am more up to date with politics and foreign affairs than most people my age where I live, I know somewhat how the stock market works and other economical workings (not extensively). It's just that I have no real opinion on what I think should be happening because I'm not entirely sure of what would result. So I'm undecided. Not ignorant of politics, just undecided.
I'm off the Radar. i.e I support NO government.
Damn straight. What has the government ever given us?
I mean, besides:
Health care
Public schooling
Military protection
Public services
Law and Order
Fire departments
Police departments
Unification of our continent sized country
Technological advances
Pretty much everything we need.

Besides all that, they're totally useless! We don't need them. We'll be completely fine.