Portable PC Handheld Project - Introduction


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For about nine months now I've been working on a portable gaming handheld. I've let friends convince me to start a YouTube channel for this project. This first video is an intro to the project. Further videos to come showcasing design and construction.

Looks like a good portable PC console.

I wonder can this Portable PC handheld is powerful enough to emulate Nintendo Switch games at 1080P.
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Not bad for low end PC games, but it would never run anything high end and not melt.
Not bad for low end PC games, but it would never run anything high end and not melt.

The PC's screen resolution is 800x460 pixels, and 5 inches according to the video, so if the user only uses the built-in screen most games should run at a good speed.

But, the PC would most likely overheat and shutdown at higher resolutions like 4K and less when connected to a 4K TV with higher resolutions, HDR/High-dynamic-range video support, faster screen frequency like 120 Hz and bigger screen sizes.