Post some special abilities (talents) you have!


Master of Fire & Ice!
Staff member
Lottery Manager
Anything that makes you feel special or unique, tell us about it!

My special talent is that I can run faster than 16 mph (With the potential of exeeding 20 mph)!!
ohai thar Tig!
been a while!

but anyways, talents.... :/ weird stuff happens to me, but that ain't no tallent. Drawing I guess. I'm decent at it, but not too good yet. Slowly getting better.
Pfft anyone can write. Are you saying you are able to hold a pen, and drag it across some paper to draw "letters", that make up "words"?
I can draw... I might not be able to draw something that looks almost realistic... it may look like a 2 year old knocked some paints and it spilt all over the page, but I can still draw. I can also sing... in the sense of speaking... with more of a melody. Also *plays random drumbeat on keyboard and reads a poem* ... luk mutha im a rap0rz!

Seriously um... I suppose I'm quite good at custom-looping tunes so that I can play Brawl while listening to my favourite song... non-stop (where others just make a completely bad loop that skips)... I'm somewhat good at a few general knowledge questions, especially if the category is music.... wait, is that a talent?
Apparently I have a gift for math and computational sciences. I'm taking MATH 253 (multivariable calculus) and CSCE 270 (data structures, sort of like step 2 for a computer science major) freshman year in college.
Flash I suppose, heh. I'd like to think I'm kinda getting somewhere with images on the computer too, as well as possibly taking photos. Although the photos aren't that crash hot, but meh.
A metaphor for what, exactly?

Also, my greatest ability is the power to believe it's not butter.
I can look at something bent and figure out its length when straight.
Besides that... I laugh like a madman whenever I do something physically exhausting, but that ain't really much of an ability. It's kind of scary, though.
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I can make myself go temporarily insane on the spot
. Not completely insane because otherwise I couldn't return back to insanity, or remember that I was even insane for a bit. But enough to where my sentence structure and the word choice I use makes no sense at all.

Also kiken, masochism much? XD
I've succeeded in reading people's minds over the internet several times. Sometimes I can tell people there own deepest thoughts. Yes, hard to believe, but it happens.
I can draw quite realistically if the subject matter is one of my interests. Other than that, I have a knack 4 scaring people...
I am capable of sucking up everything in sight. My stomach is bottomless, and I take on the faces and powers of those I consume.

I am terrifying.

I am indestructible.

I am squishy.

I am...

I'm pretty good at reading body language and how other people's bodies move. To the extent where I can tell the weight of an object just by watching someone pick it up. It makes people think I'm psychic when I see someone pick up a tin of something and tell them it's empty, then they open it up and realise it is in fact empty. Of course they do have to be pretty stupid not to realise when they're picking it up. However people are tricked by their eyesight and their body keeps up with that belief.

Also I have a talent with Characters, Names for things and Storylines (Like making them up). I can kinda draw well but TUK ruined that with his stupid "OMG GUIZE B MOAR SPECIFICAL!!!!1!!1!!!one".
I've succeeded in reading people's minds over the internet several times. Sometimes I can tell people there own deepest thoughts. Yes, hard to believe, but it happens.

Honestly nobody believes it. You can say something vague or take a guess and eventually you become right. And there are other ways to fake being physic easily. Careful wording helps too. By the way, I'm a very skeptical person.
I've succeeded in reading people's minds over the internet several times. Sometimes I can tell people there own deepest thoughts. Yes, hard to believe, but it happens.

Honestly nobody believes it. You can say something vague or take a guess and eventually you become right. And there are other ways to fake being physic easily. Careful wording helps too. By the way, I'm a very skeptical person.

so basically-