Post your Super Mario Maker creations

Spin Spin Spin:

There's 2 secrets in this one. One of them is a hidden cape and the other is another way to beat the level. Though this one is probably one of the easier levels I've made. xD
I'll post some of mine here soon! I hid some midpoints in a bunch of mine.
NNID: Porkman

Coin Caverns:
My first stage, not too difficult. Uses the classic Super Mario Bros. style .Try finding all the spots where I hid coins to get more enjoyment out of it

"Another Castle":Pretty tough. Uses Super Mario Bros. 3 style)

Goomba-Ghost Manor: Uses the Super Mario World style. A ghost house full of goomba trying to escape and rescue their comrades. Yoshi is captive! Navigate the manor and rescue Yoshi.
Just played your stages. I left a comment on Another Castle, but I loved Goomba-Ghost Manor. SO MUCH MURDER!
Just played your stages. I left a comment on Another Castle, but I loved Goomba-Ghost Manor. SO MUCH MURDER!
Woo! Glad you liked it as that one I put the most creativity and work into.As for the "MURDER" ..well funny enough there was originally only one goomba death (the one during the rail segment) but as I completed the level my cousin took a liking to the goomba deaths while watching me finish the level. Then I added more and made it the central theme. I'll get around to playing everyone else's levels too. I'm pretty excited to try em all out. I'll be following you all too.

Edit: Just played all of your levels. Left some fun doodles on some stages. I have conquered them all!
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End of the World (As We Know It)

I heard the song on the way home from work and had some ideas.
End of the World (As We Know It)

I heard the song on the way home from work and had some ideas.
Beat that one earlier. Not a fan of levels that give you one shot at something. Kaizo stuff included. But I seem to be the only one who's beaten the stage at least.
Beat that one earlier. Not a fan of levels that give you one shot at something. Kaizo stuff included. But I seem to be the only one who's beaten the stage at least.
I also hid some items in invisible blocks. xD

EDIT: I made a new level!

Treadmill Island:
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I just finished up a level a few hours ago.

Some Assembly Required : D487-0000-005A-823A

The idea behind this stage is that it builds itself as you play it. I hope you guys enjoy!
Some new ones from me:

I hate SMF and everything he sta (currently at 0% completion rate)

Everybody Loves Raymond
I have played probably the world's most annoying stage.
It's actually called "The most annoying stage ever!!!!".

The main reasons why it's so annoying:
1. It's an automatic/don't move/don't press anything level (which some people find annoying)
2. It's not completely filled, but it does contain some annoying SFX (especially at the end).
3. This is THE most annoying part. It's automatic... but you may or may not complete the stage. Sometimes, Mario will successfully get to the goal post. Sometimes, he won't. When he does, you will most likely have 7 seconds left. The reason for this, is .... actually I don't know <_<.
If however you want a not- so annoying stage, but one that's just hard.... but not anywhere near Kaizo:
D3E3-0000-0057-B313 (Hard But Fair).

The only unfair part, is an arrow of coins leading to an area, in which you are immediately greeted by a Bullseye Bill Blaster, that shoots a giant winged fireball (which moves VERY VERY fast..... almost as fast as Mario running on a conveyor belt at full speed). Just run as soon as you see it. That is, if you don't take the not-so-secret pipe, leading to a chase with Bowser on reversed conveyor belts (i.e. you are running against the direction of the belts so it's slower), combined with explosive Bob-ombs walking/running towards you.

Most of my stages however, are just for lulz.
1818-0000-003A-6CFC (Don't Stop)

Basically, a full-speed 12-screen conveyor belt run, with a few enemies running towards you. The speed makes it relatively hard. Just make sure to get the star. Otherwise, the end is impossible. Or just very hard.
And for those who hate those annoying stages in the Expert mode where you are immediately greeted by enemy spam with no room for error....

The screenshot may put you off, but .... you'll start invincible. It's kind of to make fun of enemy spammers... but also give you a stage that looks impossible, but is incredibly easy.
My levels are probably boring for you all, I don't like ridiculously challenging ones, just more laid back.

Coin Factory: EEFO-0000-0075-1F5D
Turtle Train Trouble: 7644-0000-007E-10D8

I have two other revels but they were little silly throw together ones I made right at the start. You can find them through my profile.
I made a new one. It's the easiest level I've ever made.

I actually really liked that level DYL. Posted more about it in skype, but you did good bro. :)

And I just made a level the other day as more of an appreciation for those who've played my levels before. Hope you all enjoy it. It's pretty silly. :)

A Big Ol' Thank You! : E3B9-0000-0080-9018
This is pretty cool thread to share levels. I've only have made two so far. One to test the amiibos 8Bit disguises and my first level attempt, hahah.
Once i grab the game again I'll make sure to try your levels, follow y'all and make some more of my own.
Here's my most recent level :
The Ultimate Betrayal : C4EF-0000-008E-9A78

As the title implies, the level is in short a betrayal against mario by the ones he loves. It's meant to be a pretty silly but traditional level. I hope you all like it. :)