Here's an interesting question. What is everyone's opinion on buying pre-owned games from stores like GAME (UK company) or Gamestop (it does pre-owned doesn't it?) Is it ethical considering the game companies make no money off of it?
Uh, no. They need money to make new games. They have bills too, and have to pay employs, and a lot of other expenses. They need money to continue. Say Square didn't make any profit from games because they only bought them used. They would plummet, and probably shut down. And besides, they put the time, money, and effort into the game, and your not going to support it even though you want it? It's the same with music. You may think their rich, but they still have lives like us too.Who cares if the game companies don't make money? They're already rich. And I don't want to pay for a brand new video game EVERY time I want a new game. Used games are a godsend.
Yes, they technically are. And I don't care if you buy used, I was just annoyed by his comment.I rarely buy any new games myself, plus the ones that I do buy are on steam, unless it's a nintendo product. And they're missing so much money from my sales, right? Right?