Pre-owned game schemes


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Here's an interesting question. What is everyone's opinion on buying pre-owned games from stores like GAME (UK company) or Gamestop (it does pre-owned doesn't it?) Is it ethical considering the game companies make no money off of it?
Here's an interesting question. What is everyone's opinion on buying pre-owned games from stores like GAME (UK company) or Gamestop (it does pre-owned doesn't it?) Is it ethical considering the game companies make no money off of it?

I've heard about this before, but I think they do make some money off of it indirectly.
You might get into that game, buy a sequel on launch date,
The person who sold the game can use the money regained to buy more games,
and not to mention advertising often done by NEW owner of the game, leading to others buying that game.
So yeah, I think it's fine.

Besides, you bought the game. It doesn't give you the right to make copies and whatnot.
but you can do whatever you want with it, including selling it back. (Then someone will have to buy it.)
Well part of my problem is this. you buy a game brand new for £45/$60 and then the games company only gets about £20/$27 of that money. You buy a game second hand from GAME or Gamestop then the game company gets nothing. If someone buys the game, finishes it and trades it in and the store then resells it second hand to a new person that is a lost sale for the games company and for what? Getting a game a few dollars cheaper? The average big title will cost around $30 million to make. That's 1.1 million brand new copies that need to be sold and it is harder and harder to do when people buy pre-owned. GAME doesn't help the matter by allowing you to pre-order pre-owned games for £3 less before they are even released. It is a scheme that is hurting games companies and it is for this very reason that I don't buy pre-owned.
Sometimes it is very difficult to find new versions of very old pre-owned games since games for the N64, PS1, and others are not being made anymore.

Game stores also earn very little from selling new games. They earn more of their profits from selling used games without used games a lot of game stores will probably make a lot less or have to shut down some of their stores because of lack of profits. If there are fewer game stores, it would make it more difficult for people to buy new games where they live.

These days, game makers can earn profits from used games when the new owner of pre-own games buys downloadable content from Xbox live marketplace or PSN.
For old generation that is fair enough of course. I should have mentioned earlier that I am talking only about current generation aka. PS3, Wii, 360, DS, PSP games so that is my bad for not making that clear.

Well this may be rather cold of me to say but there will always be game stores especially with online distribution companies like Amazon but if a games company goes under due to lack of profits then no more games from that company and the entire industry suffers.

There are DLC packages but they are generally made and sold with minimal profits in mind unless Activision are the publishers of course.
If everything was counted in money, then it would be better to throw all old things, games, clothes, toys, furniture into the garbage bin. That way the companies would profit because people would have to buy new goods, instead of recycling them.
Who cares if the game companies don't make money? They're already rich. And I don't want to pay for a brand new video game EVERY time I want a new game. Used games are a godsend.
Who cares if the game companies don't make money? They're already rich. And I don't want to pay for a brand new video game EVERY time I want a new game. Used games are a godsend.
Uh, no. They need money to make new games. They have bills too, and have to pay employs, and a lot of other expenses. They need money to continue. Say Square didn't make any profit from games because they only bought them used. They would plummet, and probably shut down. And besides, they put the time, money, and effort into the game, and your not going to support it even though you want it? It's the same with music. You may think their rich, but they still have lives like us too.

I think used games are fine.
I rarely buy any new games myself, plus the ones that I do buy are on steam, unless it's a nintendo product. And they're missing so much money from my sales, right? Right?
I rarely buy any new games myself, plus the ones that I do buy are on steam, unless it's a nintendo product. And they're missing so much money from my sales, right? Right?
Yes, they technically are. And I don't care if you buy used, I was just annoyed by his comment.
Sure I mean if I gave you a grain of rice for 3 cents wouldn't you sell it for 6 cents only to get it back and sell to someone else for the same price you payed me. Its flawed but that is what Capitalism is, doing whatever it takes at any ones expense to turn a profit