Promoting your channel


GamingLatest Slave
Staff member
Full GL Member
How do you go about promoting your channel? Do you just post a lot of videos and hope people will find them, put thoughtful comments on other peoples channels and hope they click or advertise on game forums? I am interested to know what people do to get their name out there. 
Best way I would do it is somehow get the video on related websites and that will bring in the traffic.
Usually Facebook and Twitter, when I upload a new video I tag the people I know, plus I have a facebook page for my channel which I post on there.   Commenting on other people's videos helps too, not spamming my channel but commenting increases the chances someone will click on my channel.

Eventually an audience will find me, if I just keep going.  A lot of it is luck, so I'll be doing it regardless because I love to, but I do try to promote my channel where I can.  I just don't believe spamming works in my favour.
I am not a let's player, but I am a YouTuber, and the ways I promote my channel is by posting the link on various forums and social networks (facebook especially). Find forums that tackle the niche your videos are related to. That will bring you some views and possible subscribers...
The best way to advertise is facebook, most people used it and check it every minute. Also it have gaming groups with thousands of members. Plus people use facebook more often than twitter.
The best way to advertise is facebook, most people used it and check it every minute. Also it have gaming groups with thousands of members. Plus people use facebook more often than twitter.
I'm not so sure about that. You say that the best way to advertise is through Facebook but maybe you're saying that because Facebook has been your most viewed site/ used app but it's not always the case for everyone. Youtube is has a greater advertising services than Facebook. Not only that, there's also Instagram, Pinterest, and others blogging sites.
For general advertising I'll drop a link in forums / Discord servers that I'm a part of. Friends will sometimes give it a click and leave a follow.

When I'm about to go live, I'll:
- Drop another link in Discord
- Post an Instagram / Facebook story
- Post on Twitter