PS1 Heading to Vita

MGS VR missions Is even more exciting!! I remember working a midnight shift in a group home - and bringing my PS1 and VR Missions and playing that game night after night. I often feel that better graphics make for less of a game and that games like this were perfect.
And my decision to buy a Vita bears fruit... To think people thought I was mad, and that the Vita had nothing to offer. Whose mad now?! Mwhaahahaha! So yeah, cool story.
Even if my favorite game is FF7, it would be much better for users if they released all PS1 games and not just a few. There are a lot of great games out there like Suikoden and xenogears. In my estimate they have only released less than 50 ps1 games on their PSP series(including the vita ones).
And my decision to buy a Vita bears fruit... To think people thought I was mad, and that the Vita had nothing to offer. Whose mad now?! Mwhaahahaha! So yeah, cool story.

You have to realize something, the Vita can offer you the power to steal souls and someone would stil say something like "the souls are too blurry" lol
this would indeed be good for vita, more and more would want to own one, especially since they are now adding ps1 titles to their games.