PS4 wins the console war?

I doubt gamers in Japan will want anything xbox has to offer. I mean the 360 was not very popular in Japan (it sold 1.6 million units in it's lifetime compared to 9.9 million PS3s). And that's not likely going to change for this generation without some radical switches taking place (and I just don't foresee them happening).

In all likelihood Japanese gamers that want KH3 or FF15 will buy it on PS4. 

And right now the reason sales of PS4 in Japan have slumped is likely because they're waiting for more big name games to drop. 
When Microsoft attract or hire more big name Japanese Developers like Capcom, Namco/Bandai, and the Indie Japanese game developers, there would be Japanese who will buy the Xbox One to play Japanese games on the Xbox One.

The TV features like the 2 HDMI ports, and DVR and TV features on the Xbox One maybe more popular in Japan where their Cable TV service is probably many times better than TV in North and South America, and Europe.

There are also many non-Japanese foreigners who live in Japan which may pick an Xbox One over a PS4 because of different tastes in games because they owned a Xbox 360 when they lived in their original country like America.

More than 2.5 million (potentially higher because of undocumented migrants) foreigners live in Japan.
I think if Microsoft wants more gamers in Japan, they should make console versions of their Xbox games for Windows 8 tablet or smartphone platforms like iOS, Android, Windows phone, so people can continue playing the same game when they are away from home since mobile gaming is very popular in Japan.

A large amount of Japanese are playing social  mobile games. And companies like Gree and Mobage, which produce social games, are earning more than traditional video-games titans such as Nintendo and Sony. But these huge sales are actually supported by just a small percentage of players. - Japanese adults spend crazy money on cellphone games