PSone: 15 Years Later and older


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Fifteen years ago, the gaming landscape was changed forever. Sony – an electronics manufacturer that was well established in many realms – decided it was time to try its corporate hand in the videogame space. The company created the PlayStation, and released it on September 9, 1995 in North America.

Here we are, nearly two decades later, and the word "PlayStation" is synonymous with videogames. From Metal Gear Solid on the PlayStation to God of War on the PlayStation 2 to Uncharted 2: Among Thieves on the PlayStation 3, Sony has made it so the brand created 15 years ago is part of every gamers' vocabulary in one way or another.

We at IGN are no different, and that's why we wanted to celebrate today by remembering the console that started it all. The PSone was a gray rectangle that made us cry, cower in fear and live out our dreams in games that were unlike what we had ever seen before. Today, take a stoll down memory lane as we relive one of the great videogame consoles.

This is the PlayStation 15 years later.


happy birthday PS1, you've brought so many good times to my life.
Sony is amazing. No company is better than them. Well... maybe Square Enix game wise.
I still have and use my old PS1 (as my PS2 is very...unreliable on the games it likes to play).

Now I feel very old, dammit D_S!!