Raspberry Pi £35 PC sold 2.3 million PCs


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POCKET COMPUTING rocket, the Raspberry Pi has had a strong December sales patch and is now close to a total of 2.3 million units sold.

Farnell still has Pi computers in stock, however, in case you are looking for a last-minute Christmas gift. "Going to be a very geeky Christmas in a lot of homes," added Upton. A basic Pi system, just the Pi itself, will cost you around £35.

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It's good to see that there is a lot of users for a cheap computer which can run free operating systems like Linux, and software like Libreoffice.
problem with cheap PC it might not last as long or need more maintance which results in more money down the line.
The Raspberry Pi is £35, and I haven't read any stories of a lot of them randomly breaking. It is also fanless like a tablet, smartphone, and the Super Nintendo because it does not heat up a lot, so there are no fans to break.

You need to replace 10 Raspberry Pi before you end up spending as much money as a typical full size desktop for $400.

An expensive PC does not always mean it will last many years like how Dell and HP laptops cost more than Asian laptops made by Lenovo, but some Expensive laptops break faster because they are poorly made. Buyers of higher price PCs can also be getting ripped off paying too much money for crappy computers.