Reading important?

Reading is something I enjoy greatly. I have to make sure that I get up and go to work on the days I'm scheduled for work. Unfortunately, I can't read as soon as I get home. Usually I have to start thinking about getting dinner ready. I'm happy with being able to spend the time that I do get to read at least.
Reading is helpful. In some contexts, people ignore reading and end up not remembering or skipping information that would otherwise make someone more apt to improve themselves.
I do enjoy reading news articles and other non-fiction stories because it is one of the few forms of entertainment which I can enjoy at anytime by just reading a newspaper, magazine, and tablet.
I can see the benefits to reading non-fiction type material or reading the news.

Even if you're reading fiction, you can still increase your vocabulary, help a person create empathy, keep your mind sharper, etc.
Reading is extremely important to me. I remember when I used to read very often and I've learned plenty of new words. When you speak to other people it shows, what I would say, class.
Reading can be valuable for many reasons.

a) You can learn something. Even if you're reading for the fun of it, you can learn new words and increase your vocabulary.

b) You learn to have empathy. You see things through other people's point of view and learn to be more empathic.

c) It can help you keep your mind sharp as you grow older.