"Ready Or Not" Realistic Tactical Shooter


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Game is out of EA on steam and got nice steam user reviews. Nice!
Playing it and really enjoying it. Shooting is hard and not like COD lol

my character loadout:

What do you mean hard?
Bullets Physics, Recoil Physics, are realistic, and to check number of rounds remaining in a clip you need to actually detach the clip from your gun to check it no UI to show it. And Enemy AIs are good and can be unpredictable. They will use hostages as human shields, they will try to flank you and so on, all enemy AI stuff are not scripted. Each time you play will be different.

Completed The Gas Station barricaded Suspects with hostages Mission. Recorded it, got an A+ not bad lol:
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There are anime PLOTs in the sim/game lol, took some pics. Dev is anime fan too lol



Missing revy from black lagoon.


A SWAT Operator should focus on the mission 100%, instead I am focusing on the anime PLOTs in the mission 100% lol
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Many people on steam are complaining on the enemy AI being too good. It is indeed very very challenging though still doable so far with proper teamwork, planning, weapons and equipment imo, I hope I will be able to complete all 14 missions...
Installed a C2 charge stealthily on one side of a door then I blew the door open, totally surprising the 2 armed suspects on the other side of the door, knocking them down with the door, they never stood a chance lol flying door FTW! Doors are excellent for Non lethal takedowns lol. you could also combo c2 charge with a stinger and/or a flashbang. fireworks.
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Read jumpdashroll's review:

it’s a hardcore single-player/co-op shooter where you take control of a member of a Special Weapons and Tactics team who is tasked with “bringing order to the chaos” in very chaotic levels, and the details of that chaos don’t just exist to fuel arguments on internet forums.

The level in Ready or Not that involves an active shooter, which takes place in a vaguely Californian college campus and not anywhere occupied by not-adults, then, isn’t troubling purely for the sake of being troubling. It’s realistic, stomach-churning, and depressingly satisfying to play through, and so are Ready or Not’s 17 other levels, all of which involve some sort of situation that was ripped straight from a documentary about the most vile crimes in the United States. From a purely gameplay perspective, these missions are almost perfect; the title’s shooting and movement aren’t just good by tactical shooter standards, they’re so good that you will likely spend hours shooting guns on its range or replaying its tutorial because of how good its gunplay, and consequently audiovisual design, are. Its sounds are straight out of Heat, a movie that’s famous for its director’s decision to capture its many gunshots live instead of dubbing them in later, its animations are on-par with Insurgency Sandstorm, and there are no words to describe just how great it feels to use all of its 30-odd customizable assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns and pistols.

The rest of Ready or Not’s core gameplay, by which I mean its AI, is just as strong as those elements. The four computer-controlled SWAT officers that join you on your missions when playing single-player act like they’re, well, highly trained police officers who have years of experience going on dangerous raids. They don’t get in your way, listen to the many commands you can give them with a press of a button, secure evidence and incapacitate enemies without being specifically instructed to, and hold their own in firefights. Those firefights are often against enemies who, like your squad, could easily pass as being actual players, too. Although sometimes they’re not exactly the smartest not-people around, they’ll often do things like hide underneath objects in the environment, take civilians hostage at gunpoint, run away from combat encounters, or even play dead before picking up their guns and shooting at you or your team’s back.

However, the real appeal of Ready or Not levels isn’t rooted in its near-perfect gameplay, nor its superb sound design or great graphics, it’s rooted in the aforementioned fact that the title discusses issues that video games almost never do. One of the first missions in the game tasks you with raiding the home of a cartel boss, which, like in the ones that take place before and after it, means that you need to methodically clear out rooms while zip-tying suspects and securing the guns that they drop after you neutralise them. As you move deeper and deeper into the house, though, it becomes apparent that you’re doing more than taking down a generic goon, and in the basement of the mansion, there’s a disturbing set of images that are effectively child pornography without any explicit nudity. There is also the aforementioned school shooting mission that was clearly inspired by the Columbine High School massacre, one that’s eerily similar to the Orlando Night Club shooting, and even one that takes place in a prepper’s cabin.

Although Ready or Not isn’t the first game to have environments inspired by ones from real world tragedies, it is the first to not make them the focus of the title as a whole, which means that it actually advances the gaming industry in a way few others have. By allowing players to see things that are truly sickening, but not explicitly calling attention to them outside of mission briefings, it breaks down a wall that has long since existed in the medium. When you clear out a out a child pornography studio, for example, or a hospital where a handful of terrorists are actively gunning down doctors, or a gas station where a child is trying to hide from a gunfight, it allows you to see that, like it or not, these heinous things do in fact exist both in the game’s world and the real one. All of this is not only important for Ready or Not’s lore, but also the medium as a whole, because now that VOID Interactive has made it clear that developers can in fact have unsavoury details in their environment.

The only problem with these details is that about half of the environments they exist in, by which I mean about half of Ready or Not’s levels, are a smidge too big. Because the title’s core gameplay all but forces you to move slowly, it can often prove to be a chore to clear out three floors of the aforementioned hospital filled with terrorists, or an entire post office warehouse, or a maze-like structure of a dock filled with shipping containers. This is especially true because once you neutralise all of the foes in any given level, you also need to secure any civilians on the map to complete a mission, which often just isn’t very fun. While it is, to be clear, very satisfying to methodically navigate all of Ready or Not’s levels when there are AI shooting at you, once there’s nobody left who can hurt you or your team, it’s a pain to walk around looking for non-combatants who you forgot to tie up during your initial runthrough. Doing this doesn’t necessarily kill the game’s near-perfect sense of pacing, but it does hurt it none the less.

Ready or Not isn’t just an amazing tactical first-person shooter, nor is it simply the SWAT 4 sequel we never got, it’s without a doubt the definitive single-player/coop hardcore shooter on the market, and one of the most innovative video games of all time.
This game needs to come out on console already.