Recall demanded for nearly 3 million Kia and Hyundai cars


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The Center for Auto Safety warned that certain models of Kia and Hyundai cars from 2010 to 2015 may be at risk of catching fire.

2011 to 2014 Kia Sorento and Optima and the Hyundai Sonata and Santa Fe. Also included is the 2010 through 2015 Kia Soul.

Hopefully, Kia Hyundai car fire problems catching fire is quickly fixed if it is related to a manufacturing defect, and not poor user maintenance where the owner of the cars never properly maintained the car which caused the car fires.
Damn, that is pretty bad. We really need to reign in these car makers.
Damn, that is pretty bad. We really need to reign in these car makers.

Unfortunately, I feel it may take a long time for the US government to investigate Kia and Hyunda 2011 to 2014 car fires in the US, and punish Kia and Hyundai if it is proven the cars are defective.

A mother watched her son burn to death in her Kia Soul 2014 which caught on fire. The electronic door switches on Kia can also fail during a fire because the electronics got burned and melted.

If you own one of Kia or Hyundai models which has a higher chance catching on fire, it is a good idea to stop driving it until the problem is fixed.
I agree it is horrible. There are news stories that the mother's son was done parking his car, and his car suddenly caught on fire and exploded which trap him in his car while he was screaming for help, but the car got too hot from the fire, so no one can help. It is scary that cars can catch fire and explode very quickly after it is parked and not moving.

Hopefully, there won't be any other Kia and Hyundai fires which cause people to die, or get seriously injured. Hyundai and Kia car owners carrying a hammer to break the side windows is a good idea in case there is a car fire, and the door fails to open because the electronic locks failed, or the door locks and handle melted in the fire.
I feel soon most of these dangerous Kia and Hyundai cars may not be everywhere because drivers will stop driving them, and risking their lives. They can always sell their dangerous car to a scrap metal buyer which will melt down the car to re-use the metal for making other things. I think most used car dealers would not buy these cars because of how dangerous they are, and they may catch on fire, and cause other cars and buildings next to them to catch on fire as well.
I feel soon most of these dangerous Kia and Hyundai cars may not be everywhere because drivers will stop driving them, and risking their lives. They can always sell their dangerous car to a scrap metal buyer which will melt down the car to re-use the metal for making other things. I think most used car dealers would not buy these cars because of how dangerous they are, and they may catch on fire, and cause other cars and buildings next to them to catch on fire as well.

But still there are lot of people who will buy those things especially people without proper knowledge. Also I don't think so they will sell it to scrap metal buyer as the price will be very low.
But still there are lot of people who will buy those things especially people without proper knowledge. Also I don't think so they will sell it to scrap metal buyer as the price will be very low.

Most people sell their used cars to a used car dealer, or a new car dealer which also sell used cars. Car dealers can do a simple free internet search on a car informaton website like to see if the car has any known defects, recalls, or if the car was ever involve in a car accident by putting the serial number into a website for registered cars in the US. Car dealer employee most likely keep up with car news to see if any cars are more likely to break, and which used cars are not worth buying because of recalls, poor safety, reliability problems.

If a car owner can't easily sell their defective car at a used car dealer, some car owners may sell it to a scrap metal buyer, or used car parts buyer who sell used car parts for people who need to fix an older car, but want to save money by using used car parts which are cheaper than new.

Craigslist may ban a member for selling a defective car since Craigslist is not for selling defective items which can become dangerous if they caught on fire.

Selling a used car on the street/in-person or Craigslist can be risky because you don't know if the stranger you are meeting is a criminal who is planning to steal your car.

I feel selling or giving away a defective car to a friend, family worker, co-worker, or someone the owner knows is a very dishonest thing to do.