Other Reselling Digital Game Key Without Creator's Permission Is Now Illegal In Japan


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Just read from gamesindustry biz that reselling digital game keys without permission and distributing tools and doing services for save data modifications are now illegal in Japan :

不正競争防止法の改正について | 活動報告 | ACCS

The amendments is currently only available in Japanese, but various translations all indicated that three acts have now been banned:
  1. Distributing tools and programs for altering save data
  2. Reselling software product keys online without the creator's permission
  3. Offering services that modify save data on the customer's behalf
This all stems from the fact that the Unfair Competition Prevention Act now recognises "data (information recorded in electromagnetic record)" as a target for protection by the law.
I feel this new law making it illegal to re-sell digital keys would cause more people to play more free to play games like Fortnite, League of Legends, Dota 2, etc which are free to play.

More people may buy more physical games for game consoles.
I dont think this would affect players really. If they bought a game key to play it, they will redeem it and be unable to sell it regardless.

This is mostly targeting people that use stolen credit cards to buy and resell digital keys I believe.

The only way for players to actually sell their digital games would be by selling their accounts, which doesn't seem to be included in that law.