Resident Evil - Did You Know Gaming

Okay, so I will need to buy them. I completely forgot about RE 0, that was a fun one. And I liked 2 a lot better than 1.
That was a great video about the RE games! Some of the information was news to me. But I didn't pick up the genre until I played RE4. I loved all of the characters, storyline, graphics, and my favorite, upgrading! (fell in love with Leon, of course.) I did know about the side comments made by Ashley to Leon in RE4. I happened upon that while Leon was under her and going to be catching her. It was funny. I do have one question I need to know... do you think Capcom will ever create RE4 for Xbox360? When I played it before, it was on a Wii platform. Which was good but I've upgraded to an Xbox360 and I would love to play RE4 on it. Just a thought anyways. All in all I love the RE genre and I hope they create a RE 7. :fistpump: