Resident Evil: Origins Collection


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I loved playing this original game as a kid and it recently got a re-release on current and last generation consoles too. It is a true survival horror and I urge anyone to give this game a go. Does anyone here have experiences with it?
HUGE Resident Evil fan since day one, even moderate a modding site dedicated to it.

My favorite hands down is Resident Evil Code Veronica.

Least favorite is Resident Evil 5.

I really want to see the series return to its glory survival horror themed days, to many of the recent entries have to much action in it, the revelations games take steps in the right direction in this area but still it features times where over the top action is plentiful as well.
I loved the remaster of the 2002 remake. I am looking forward to seeing zero done in the same way. I am also looking forward to seeing the same happen with 2 which Capcom have heavily alluded too recently.
Yea I've been wanting a Resident Evil 2 remake since I played the Resident Evil remake back on gamecube so many years ago.

It seems more likely now given the success of Resident Evil HD remaster and the fact that it has now officially been pitched to the higher ups at Capcom.

I think they are going to wait until RE0 remaster comes out next year before they announce their decision, but so far its looking good given fan demand and all. Capcom knows there is a lot of money to be made here.
This has to be one the greatest series in gaming, they had a couple of not so good releases but in all they are great.
Yeah RE2 remake is underway, i always liked to do some short fun videos with my friends around resident evil series. The 2 was best and will be best!

I love resident evil I have residentevil zero , residentevil 1, 4,5 and 6 on the xbox one. I never seen a 2 and 3 for xbox is there . Played 2 and 3 on the PC but I not seen it on Xbox. Great game can't beat residentevil :) Big fan .
It would be really awesome if they made an open world version of Resident Evil. With all the old characters and bad evil bosses to take on but as a team in multiplayer coop mode or something or even just multiplayer versions of it where you get to play as one of the good characters or an evil one! :D

I'd buy that for a dollar! :D
We could use a return of the Outbreak series.

I have so many Resident Evil games I can barely count them. I have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Code Veronica, Survivor, Dead Aim, Outbreak 1/2 and Revelations 2. Might be more, have to go look.
One of the pioneers of the zombie genre in gaming, but definitely one of the hardest too for me. The fact that I can't shove the zombies away and that I have to play with a knife using Chris Redfield was incredibly hard (in the PSOne Director's Cut version, they didn't have a label that says choosing Chris means hard difficulty, or at least I don't remember a label). It was a great game for sure, the zombies were hell of a lot scarier for me too, and definitely worth playing just to get to know where it all started.
Really cool game I remember I played this with my cousin, and then RE3: Nemesis, I think this game was so groundbreaking for it's time, really good story and characters, and the zombies man, they gave me the creeps.
Oh yes, the one that started it all. The originals were absolutely eerie and scary with a more effective element of surprise compared to the newer RE games. What I really don't understand though is why RE5 gets so much hate. I mean it obviously took a different camera direction and gameplay but I really found that innovation as an improvement and really set some sort of trend in the action and third person shooting genre. It was a worthy addition and defined an entire era of console gameplay.
Resident Evil is a great game, With amazing stories and it's a horror game (Really horror). I love Resident Evil from 1 to Resident Evil 7.
Combines Resident Evil HD and Resident Evil 0 into one package. I have played REHD multiple times and really love it, haven't got around to RE0 yet but apparently that is also quite decent. Has anyone else played this yet?