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Horror Movie Guru
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Im gonna post the thumbnails themselves because the pictures are huge lol



This is for everyone who complains that gaming is too expensive in 2024 when it was a lot worse back in the day
I think people misremembering prices, or they got their games when they reached the $20 Greatest Hits, or whatever the said console equivalent was.

I see the $20 thing brought up a lot, but that definitely wasn’t launch prices for games.
I did not remember game prices as a kid. Now it would be cheaper retro. I did hear stories of games and consoles being sold super cheap in retail stores. Amazing deals we would never see today adjusted for the inflation of physical media.
I did hear stories of games and consoles being sold super cheap in retail stores.
They're probably talking about when they were selling stuff in the bargain bin when the new consoles came out. Or when KB Toys had some game just sitting there for years past when they stopped selling said console.
This is for everyone who complains that gaming is too expensive in 2024 when it was a lot worse back in the day
Partly because living costs are higher nowadays than backthen.
I used to enjoy looking through the local newspaper toy and electrobic store flyers for games I plan on buying, and looking up more info on the game on websites like Gamespot, IGN, and Gamefaq.