REVOQ All-In-One, Multi-Functional Fidget Spinner with built-in Fidget Cube


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Providing the world with the most awesome all-in-one multi functional Fidget spinner! Carry one and done.


REVOQ™ : The All-In-One, Multi-Functional Fidget Spinner

I like that Revoq is made of brass metal and steel instead of cheap plastic like most fidget spinners, and cubes.

I think these higher quality fidget spinners, and cubes will remain to have a core group of users.

Some of the cheaper plastic spinners users would not use a fidget spinner or cube after the fidget toy fad becomes less popular, or they will upgrade to a higher quality fidget spinner, or cube with nicer designs, and made with higher quality materials like metal, hard wood, and stones.
this is getting silly.

I agree the Fidget Spinner trend is getting silly especially some of the weirder posts on people making Fidget Spinners out of food like chocolate and cookie fidget spinners, or using Fidget Spinners to start a conversation with strangers like girls on the street. Some of these videos and post about Fidget Spinners still get posted on the internet on a daily basis, and get hundreds, thousands and sometimes millions of views.

At least, Revoq are making higher quality fidget spinners which core Fidget Spinner hobbyist enjoy, so 938 core Fidget Spinner users pledge $43,626 going over the $17,000 goal for the Revoq Fidget Spinner Kickstarter Campaign at REVOQ™ : The All-In-One, Multi-Functional Fidget Spinner
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