RIP Adobe Flash


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So yeah, looks like adobe finally pulled the plug on Flash. So anything that uses it (.swf) is now officially dead unless somehow archived by someone on the internet.
RIP Flash :(. The Club Penguin fan sites are being converted to HTML5 so that they can still be run. It's a good thing that alternatives were available otherwise we would have lost a lot of "historic" internet stuff.
Hopefully, most of the useful flash based educational quizes, and tutorials get converted to 'HTML5 or work as standalone PC programs. It would also be nice if the flash based educationsl quizes and tutorialss are available as MS Word document files and Power Point slideshows.'

I remember using some math and computer-tech quizes and tutorials which were made with flash.
The end of Flash made me go back to find some of the old games that I used to play when I was younger and the majority of them have closed down :(. Only Club Penguin seems to be running and even that is a fan site.