RIP Satoru Iwata


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Nintendo has announced the following today:

Nintendo Co., Ltd. deeply regrets to announce that President Satoru Iwata passed away on July 11, 2015 due to a bile duct growth.

RIP Satoru Iwata

Here is some memorable quotes.

“On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer.”
I heard about this just now. It sucks cause he's 55 years old and that's not even old ;-;

RIP Satoru Iwata
At least he got to do a lot of things in his life, but one could have expected him to live for at least 15 years longer.

He seemed like such a cool guy, he will be missed. I wonder if Nintendo will be the same without him.
Sucks that he passed away. He still had a lot of time left and stuff to do. He was one of the few in charge of a gaming company that actually knew what went into game development and playing games. That insight was invaluable as a leader. He'll be missed for certain. (Not just from his family, Nintendo or the game development community, but also by the millions of gamers who have played or will play games he was involved in.)

One of the more touching things I saw was this...
RIP Iwata.  Sorry you didn't get to see the NX get released or any Nintendo smartphone games start develop, but at least you got to turn Nintendo around and make it the popular company we know today.
CM30 said:
RIP Iwata.  Sorry you didn't get to see the NX get released or any Nintendo smartphone games start develop, but at least you got to turn Nintendo around and make it the popular company we know today.
He did well up to a few years ago, since the Wii U/3DS nintendo has struggled and many called for Iwata to step down. No doubt they are happy about this somewhat.
Demon_Skeith said:
He did well up to a few years ago, since the Wii U/3DS nintendo has struggled and many called for Iwata to step down. No doubt they are happy about this somewhat.
Well, he did technically sort of turn the 3DS around.  It started off with a bunch of third party games and more mediocre Nintendo stuff like Steel Diver and Pilotwings, and then turned itself around with much more interesting games like Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Super Mario 3D Land.  Did it do as well as the DS?  No, not really.  But it did well enough to not become another Virtual Boy or Gamecube, so that's a good thing.

The Wii U... not so much.  But hey, everyone makes mistakes.

And the shareholders apparently liked Iwata too...
CM30 said:
Well, he did technically sort of turn the 3DS around.  It started off with a bunch of third party games and more mediocre Nintendo stuff like Steel Diver and Pilotwings, and then turned itself around with much more interesting games like Mario Kart 7, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and Super Mario 3D Land.  Did it do as well as the DS?  No, not really.  But it did well enough to not become another Virtual Boy or Gamecube, so that's a good thing.

The Wii U... not so much.  But hey, everyone makes mistakes.

And the shareholders apparently liked Iwata too...
on a personal level I think they liked Iwata, but they always had issues with his business plans from what I read.