Rising Gas Prices


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So how is everyone fairing with gas prices? It's about to hit $5 in my area, going to be real painful at the pump.
That is per gallon right? We're paying about £1.85 per litre now which is absurd. Quite a bit higher than what you guys pay as well I believe
It's $5.165/gallon here in Michigan as the average. We are not ones to go out that often but now we really try to combine trips. It's hard however as it's summer & we like going to see sights, hike on trails, etc.
It's $5.165/gallon here in Michigan as the average. We are not ones to go out that often but now we really try to combine trips. It's hard however as it's summer & we like going to see sights, hike on trails, etc.

Going to cost you this year lol, sadly for everyone :(
The UK government just refuses to do anything about it which is the most annoying thing. The majority of the cost that we're paying per litre is a tax as well so it's easy for them to solve it
The UK government just refuses to do anything about it which is the most annoying thing. The majority of the cost that we're paying per litre is a tax as well so it's easy for them to solve it

Sorry to hear that, instead of Russia maybe we should be at war with oil companies?
The price of gas is getting more expensive, but I heard it went down a few cents.

It is unfortunate that there are not many affordable new and used cars with good gas mileage, or use alternative energy sources like electricity which is usually cheaper than gas.
I'm glad that the gas prices are coming down a little bit. I filled up at $3.69 a gallon.
I wish I could take advantage of the 10 cent savings per gallon sometimes, but it's usually for when you pay in cash instead of using credit cards.
Shouldn't our government focus on basic resource autonomy so that it can prevent us from different inflationary shocks.
Fortunately, gas prices have seen a much needed drop here in the US. It would be great is unleaded stabilizes in the mid $3s but still have a ways to go and the Ukraine/Russia conflict isn't exactly helping...