Rising Gas Prices

Our gas prices are starting to go down finally. I just had to fill up my tank on Thursday and I'm glad to see it's getting lower than it has been.
Fortunately, gas prices have seen a much needed drop here in the US. It would be great is unleaded stabilizes in the mid $3s but still have a ways to go and the Ukraine/Russia conflict isn't exactly helping...
I've spoken too soon. After a brief drop to the mid $4s, we just broke $5/gallon in my area this weekend. Err.
It's not great in the UK at the moment, most houses going up by around £2500 a year. Scary times ahead!
It's not great in the UK at the moment, most houses going up by around £2500 a year. Scary times ahead!
And even worse, the USD is the same as UK currency, which is an ugly number. Which is to say politics aren't making liveable conditions and there needs to be an absolute.
The best price around here is $2.99 per gallon. But this changes constantly, so I have no idea what it will be tomorrow....
The thing about my car is I get 40 miles to the gallon. So I can go a month (or close to it) before I have to fill my car up.
I'm budgeting $100 in Oct. for gas.

How exactly will Trump bring down gas prices? He's a blathering idiot. lol
I don't vote. lol
$3.29 here