Robin Williams is dead


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Yes it's true. He's passed away at the age of 63. And while we won't specifically comment on the situation behind his death because of its tragic and complicated nature, we will say that he'll be sorely missed.

He previously mentioned being a fan of the Zelda series too, which just makes commercials like this just the more depressing in hindsight:

RIP Mr Williams. Our condolences go out to your family and others impacted by your passing.
This is really upsetting. He was a funny guy and great actor. This really is a shame.
Just found out a few minutes ago too. He was a funny guy and I remember he went on / or rather was on Ray William Johnson. And I had absolutely no idea there was an ad linking him with the Legend of Zelda :o , well, you will be missed. ):
Whyyyyyy! T_T My friend and I are going to watch Hook in his honor since I've yet to see it.
Hmm, my dad was just talking about this guy at dinner, and I don't know who he is.

It's sad to see him go though.
Hook is an amazing movie and now I'm sad. :( Growing up sucks.

We might watch Flubber later tonight since I haven't seen that either.
He will be missed. Hook is my favorite movie of his. Just gonna leave this here and go cry:
i would have rather seen hundreds of pikmen die then this man...

i guess we all know now how bad his struggle with drugs was.
His death really saddens me, ... as he was a genuinely funny, sweet man. It just shows that money and fame can't bring you happiness. I finished watching Mrs. Doubtfire today, never seen it before but really really enjoyed it.