Rovio makers of Angry Birds no longer making games for Windows Phone, eases off PC games


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Rovio has bid farewell to both Windows Phone and the PC, advising its users in an email recently that it is dropping support for both platforms. If you haven’t downloaded the Rovio game you want onto your Windows Phone device or PC, it appears you’re out of luck, at least in certain cases (some PC games remain available for Windows 8.1). Both the Bad Piggies and Angry Birds games for PC have had their development suspended, and they’re being pulled from digital shelves.

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I guest, there were not many people who played Rovio games on Windows Phone.
Seems better to focus their time more on Android & Apple. Windows Phone never really took off, and their games aren't really meant for PC.
I guess windows phones is a dead platform.
I guess windows phones is a dead platform.

I think Windows Phone is a dead platform for smartphone users who want to use the latest apps and games, or even older apps, and games like Angry Birds which is probably one of the oldest popular smartphone games for iOS and Android. But, Rovio games like Angry Birds got deleted removed from the Windows Store because of not having enough gamers.

Smartphone app and game makers who want their apps, and games to be popular, and make money will probably just publish their apps on Google Play, Apple App Store, and the Amazon App store which has a lot of Kindle Fire users.
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