Samsung Cloud Gaming to Stream Console-Quality Games Straight to Smart TVs


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It was announced at E3 today that Samsung Cloud Gaming, developed in partnership with Gaikai, a leading cloud-based video game platform provider, will stream a mix of family-friendly and AAA video games directly to owners of 2012 Samsung LED 7000 series and up Smart TVs in the U.S.

The cloud-based gaming service will be second to none, allowing users access to some of the video game industry's biggest titles, without the need for a console, in much the same way that smart TVs are eliminating the need for a set-top cable box.

One of the more exciting consumer-designed perks of the platform is the try-before-you-buy payment plan, allowing users a free trial of any game, so they'll never have to pay good money for a game they end up disliking.

Samsung will soon begin accepting sign-ups for the Beta Test of its Cloud Gaming service on Smart TVs for users in the United States.


Cool, I think this will make gaming come into more homes. I wonder would Samsung also make a Set top Box for non-Smart TVs and monitors.

This technology also might make it possible for you to use to run applications like Word Processors, Spreadsheets, and Presentations on a Smart TV without a computer if your computer breaks, and you need to edit documents, and do presentations.