Scratch Wireless offers 'free' mobile service that uses WiFi for calls and text


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It manages to do so with a modified Android OS that pushes the phone to connect to WiFi for pretty much everything -- calls, text and data. However, if you do want to use your phone outside of a WiFi area, that's when the charges come in. Scratch Wireless has a partnership with Sprint to offer $1.99 per day for up to 30 minutes of cell calls and another $1.99 per day for up to 25MB of data. There's also a monthly $14.99 pass for either 250 minutes of voice calls or 200MBs of data.

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Scratch service looks good for people who rarely leave their home which has Wi-Fi,someone who doesn't have a home phone, but need a phone number for Emergencies, and offline friends and family, or they spend most of their time away from home at places which have free Wi-Fi like at work, school, or a restaurant.

The prepaid plans for making calls with regulat cell service from Sprint seem kind of expensive for the daily pass, but the monthly pass seems more fair.
I use viber for that purpose, especially when it comes to out of the city contacts. I really hope this kind of thing becomes the standard and most phones have this WiFi above the rest approach.
I actually saw this and I think that although it seems like a good idea, there are some places in the country where wifi is shit.

But for free calls and stuff like that, I use Pinger, even though I have a contract. I have used it when I couldn't get a signal on my phone but was near wifi, like when my husband and I went to North Carolina, or, when making deals on Craigslist and I don't want to leave my actual number.

I also use it to make calls from my tablet since T-mobile has removed all of the phone features from it, and made it so that you could only use data.

I get a phone number of my choosing, free voicemail and minutes, and I can even earn more by either watching videos or installing and running apps on my phone..

I currently have 435 minutes and I just earned 17 more just for installing and running the Dunkin Donuts app on my phone..