Sequel to "Cult Classic" Nier unveiled at E3 2015


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I didn't see a discussion for this yet. Anyone else excited about this game? I personally really enjoyed the first one. and this one looks very pretty. Of course not much gameplay footage in the trailer. Although the original development team has been disbanded, the new title is still led by Yoko Taro.
I still haven't played NieR, but I understand it's a great unique game, but flawed. It seems like one of those really unique games that I couldn't miss, but I haven't got around to it yet. I would like to play this new Nier sometime, has it been confirmed PS4 exclusive?
This has to be one of the most hype things I've encountered at E3 this year. I'm not even that major of a console gamer, but with this and so much more coming out it's looking like that's liable to change soon. Concerning the game trailer itself the environment looks interesting, but there's not quite enough to make a non-hype influenced conclusion concerning how good this game is going to be. 
If memory serves, this is PS4 exclusive. 

I've never played the original game (I do own a copy though) and it did look pretty cool when I saw it being played.
It's unknown what Nier will be for, could be any system.
No, at the end of the video I posted, which was from SquareEnix's official Youtube trailer, it says PS4. So I think it is a PS4 exclusive, or like many other titles this year, will remain on PS4 for a few months before other consoles get access to this title
Nier was one of those left-field surprises of the previous generation. It's definitely not a game for everyone, it's weird moments would turn off mainstream gamers. Personally, I loved it and it's truly a diamond in the rough. Plenty of faults like bland backgrounds, unbalanced gameplay and some questionable enemy AI. Nevertheless, even with these shortcomings - Nier absolutely rocked with a truly intelligent, mature story. 

The sequel announcement at E3 got me excited. And like Star Fox Zero, it's going to be developed by Platinum Games. This is a wise move as Platinum are one of the most accomplished action game developers on the planet. They will be able to iron out some of the problems that were presented in the original Nier.  :yes:
I know Sony fans are happy about this game coming out. But I really don't see why. It's not like many people bought it. Not that the 360 one sold good either. But for the kind of game it was, it really should have sold better than it did. Not sure why a company would put resources behind this.
To me, this is not "platinum games" PS4 exclusive. Platinum gave Nintendo Wonderful 101, a new franchise for the system.

Platinum is giving Microsoft Scalebound, a new franchise for the system.

Nier is something Square Enix already created last generation Platinum just so happens to be working on.

So to me, I still feel Platinum is giving Sony the raw end of the deal. Until they give Sony a franchise they made themselves like they did for Nintendo and Microsoft, my opinion won't change.
If there is one piece of good news that comes from this (aside from being exclusive to the PS4) is that there will only be one version now.

Remember back when this first came out? Nier had two versions. The PS3 had a different version in Japan than we did in the states.

The Nier version in the states was actually the 360 version.

No disrespect to Platinum games, but why were they even needed for Nier? The game was already considered a hit that went unappreciated. Sort of like Okami or Vagrant Story.

So it's not like the problem was a technical one that they needed "specialists" to come solve.
I played the first one and it was a game where both sides are not right and you have the shades and you fight each other and a sad game by the end, which was depressing to see occur and usually in games you have the good and bad and know the bad guy is wrong. I enjoyed Kaine, who was a tough person and like Vegeta, who would, appear at the right moment and help you fight other people and a tough warrior as well which was interesting to see and enjoyed the game. I think it was sad when Emil sacrifices himself to save the others and also when the King and his men fight to the death to buy you time in the game and brave as well.