Shenanigan Guy Comic Contest #1


Insane, but humble
New contest is here and now! Weeee!

This contest is brought to you by Nintendan and myself.

The point of this contest/competition is for you to make the punchline for a Blank Shenanigan Guy Comic!

This one to be specific.


Now for the rules.

1. No editing the picture in anyway other than adding text.

2. You may enter 2 comics at a time but no more.

3. Nintendan and myself will judge.

4. Deadline is sometime next week.

5. No jokes inappropriate for this site.

6. Have Fun.

Winner shall receive this.

There is no effort award or 2nd place award unfortunately.

Here is an example.


Also get it here if you want. [attachment=99:ShenaniganGuy0241.png]
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This is my entry, I'm not sure many will get the joke...but for those who do, you'll lol.

I'm not really the humors type, but I gave it a go:

Er.. It seems I forgot the title... I can't think of one at the time, though.
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I hope ya guys like it.
These are all looking great! Keep 'em coming! Why not post a second one? It'll increase your chances of winning, heh.
Not sure if I mentioned this, but the winning entry also earns their place as the official 24th issue of Shenanigan Guy, so use up those two entries, by all means!

And keep up the good work everyone!
ill try to come up with somethign better
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should i delete?