Shenmue 3 Kickstarter


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If you are a fan of this series, your chance to fund the third game is here!

But the creator is asking for a steep 2 million for it. Hopefully it hits its funding goal!

If all goes well, it will come out on PC and PS4, with a tentative release date of December 2017.
They only need ~$100,000 with 31 days to go. They will reach this easily. Big name title with big support from a Sony conference. I think they will easily raise $5 million for this.
I'm hating that this is a Sony exclusive right now, first Final Fantasty VII and now this?

Sony is really making me want to have a PS4, Perhaps by the time these games are out I will have one, it took me 5 years after purchasing my Xbox 360 before I finally decided to buy a PS3 (mostly for the Yakuza series).
ToCool74 said:
I'm hating that this is a Sony exclusive right now, first Final Fantasty VII and now this?

Sony is really making me want to have a PS4, Perhaps by the time these games are out I will have one, it took me 5 years after purchasing my Xbox 360 before I finally decided to buy a PS3 (mostly for the Yakuza series).
For FF 7, they said it was coming to PS4 first meaning it will come to others which most likely means PC and possibly xbox.
Demon_Skeith said:
For FF 7, they said it was coming to PS4 first meaning it will come to others which most likely means PC and possibly xbox.
Yea I know dude but its still going to be their exclusive first and who knows how long Xbox and other platforms will have to wait.
LIke for instance fans of Resident Evil 4 had to wait 2 whole years before we could play it on the Playstation 2.

I just don't like the wait, once the game comes out and I hear its looking and playing good than I'm going to want it lol.
Shenmue is not a ps4 exclusive. it said you get your choice of a copy for ps4 or the pc when you back the kickstarter. BOTH rewards are estimated to be given out in december 2017, which means a universal release date for both the PS4 and PC versions.

As for whoever asked whats so good about this series, you have to be an intellectual type who values story over gameplay, and appreciates a well written script that can emotionally engage the audience, with high amounts of character development (from a literary standpoint). This plus a few other RPGs made owning a dreamcast very worth it for me.

This was the best announcement of E3 to me. I am really happy to see this project finally come to light. I am more excited about this than the FF7 remake, because story and character wise, shenmue mops the floor with FF7 any day. (Though I'm hoping they fix that in the remake).
ToCool74 said:
Yea I know dude but its still going to be their exclusive first and who knows how long Xbox and other platforms will have to wait.
LIke for instance fans of Resident Evil 4 had to wait 2 whole years before we could play it on the Playstation 2.

I just don't like the wait, once the game comes out and I hear its looking and playing good than I'm going to want it lol.
Well it is a exclusive series to PS, be lucky it's going else where.
Really concerned about this situation. The original Shenmue cost $70 million to create. How exactly they expect to creats Shenmue 3 with only $2 million is beyond me. Game production costs are higher than ever, which we have seen take a toll on companies like Actvivision that had to shut down. This will be a miracle if they pull it off..
Xenokitten said:
Shenmue is not a ps4 exclusive. it said you get your choice of a copy for ps4 or the pc when you back the kickstarter. BOTH rewards are estimated to be given out in december 2017, which means a universal release date for both the PS4 and PC versions.

As for whoever asked whats so good about this series, you have to be an intellectual type who values story over gameplay, and appreciates a well written script that can emotionally engage the audience, with high amounts of character development (from a literary standpoint). This plus a few other RPGs made owning a dreamcast very worth it for me.

This was the best announcement of E3 to me. I am really happy to see this project finally come to light. I am more excited about this than the FF7 remake, because story and character wise, shenmue mops the floor with FF7 any day. (Though I'm hoping they fix that in the remakeI
I thought the original Shenmue games on the Dreamcast were overrated. Definitely great games but I didn't feel they were quite deserving of either the hype or massive budgets they received. I do agree with you that Shenmue is superior to FFVII, in terms of story. I find the Yakuza series as sort of the spiritual successor to Shenmue, just a bit more refined and tighter gameplay. 
Dame6089 said:
Really concerned about this situation. The original Shenmue cost $70 million to create. How exactly they expect to creats Shenmue 3 with only $2 million is beyond me. Game production costs are higher than ever, which we have seen take a toll on companies like Actvivision that had to shut down. This will be a miracle if they pull it off..
Sony is footing the rest of the bill.
I have a feeling though that with the majority of people who are interested in this title backing it, they're going to receive the game as a result of backing it, which then means, when the game goes "on sale", sony is going to be complaining about "poor sales" since no one will need to go out to buy the game, and have it already delivered to them in December 2017.

Also the 70 million thing is a rumour, it was actually about 40 million, but yeah, still a lot of dough. I have no idea why they NEED that much funding, when other game developers can make a game for under $500,000 with equally as impressive visuals.

The gameplay in Shenmue is very slow, and lacks action, It does however have an open-world (like many western rpgs). It will be interesting to see how well it is received by core gamers who expect snappy, action, speedy games that don't require as much thought as Shenmue does.
ToCool74 said:
I'm hating that this is a Sony exclusive right now, first Final Fantasty VII and now this?

Sony is really making me want to have a PS4, Perhaps by the time these games are out I will have one, it took me 5 years after purchasing my Xbox 360 before I finally decided to buy a PS3 (mostly for the Yakuza series).
The Yakuza series is also one of my favorites and I'm excited to finally be getting 5 West. I import all of them anyway but yeah. :p

I can't wait for Shenmue 3. I'll definitely be backing it as soon as I can get a pre-paid card to use for it. :) 