Nintendo Shigeru Miyamoto Wants Mario To Dethrone Mickey Mouse


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Just read from dualshockers on it:

In a new piece from Japanese publication Nikkei, Mario creator and famed developer Shigeru Miyamoto stated how he wants the gaming company Nintendo as big as Disney one day and for Mario to take over as the most recognized global icon. However, the biggest obstacle standing in the way of that goal — at least as Miyamoto puts it — are parents themselves.

According to Miyamoto: “Many parents want to keep their children from playing video games. But these same parents have no problem allowing them to watch Disney movies. This contradiction bothers Miyamoto and could thwart his plans to topple Mickey. We cannot seriously challenge [Disney] unless parents start feeling comfortable about their children playing Nintendo.”

Miyamoto feels his character can just about hold its own against Disney’s Mickey Mouse — the entertainment giant’s iconic mascot — in regards to its cultural impact and financial success. But he still thinks he has a long way to go before Mario becomes as thoroughly ingrained in minds of billions around the world as Mickey has, a journey that may take generations.
Mickey Mouse has been around for a lot longer, that's the problem. I like Mickey Mouse and I like Mario. I'm a fan of both. It's just that Mickey Mouse has had more time to grow a following than Mario has.
Mickey Mouse has been around for a lot longer, that's the problem. I like Mickey Mouse and I like Mario. I'm a fan of both. It's just that Mickey Mouse has had more time to grow a following than Mario has.

plus the mouse is in a lot more media, you see Mario about once a year in a new game.
Yeah, I agree. This question is not because the parents dont want their children to play games. On the contrary, we are living in a time on which games have turned a part of our modern culture, many parents prefeer their children play games on the safety of their homes instead of going out wandering on the streets. However Mickey Mouse, as said here, exists from a longer time before Mario, i think it is from 50's while Mario it's from 80's-90's.

Also, Nintendo will never compare in Budget with Disney, even now, which is one of the Biggest Media Companies in the World (if not the biggesst one).

These are just my thoghts.
Sonic once dethroned Mickey Mouse for a little bit, so I'm sure our favorite plummin' dude, Mario has the guts to do it too! GO! GO!! MARIO!!! (Get the reference? :grin: )