Should Fortnite Introduce A Rank Based Matchmaking System?


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If you look around the reddit communities and twitterverse, it’s clearly obvious that a major portion of the Fortnite community is looking for a ranked based matchmaking system in the game. So, what are the developers doing about this issue?

Well, a couple of days back, Epic Games came out with an announcement stating the release of a matchmaking system which will prevent PS4 players from players against each other if they are using keyboards and mouses. As a result, if you are a PS4 player who is using a keyboard or a mouse, you are going to be matchmade with PC players only.

Now, this is a step in the right direction of course, but what do you guys say, should there be skill/rank based matchmaking in Fortnite: BR?
I don't play Fortnite but I think a good matchmaking system would be a great addition to the game.
I don't play Fortnite but I think a good matchmaking system would be a great addition to the game.
Well there's an argument to be made for both sides. If there's rank based matchmaking new players will find it easier to play and improve among players who are at the same skill level.
But keeping it open means there are no rank caps so you can play with all sorts of players including pros. And you can prove your mettle among the best and noobs without discrimination.
Don't play it, but whatever it helps never hurts.