Should I leave the UK in future?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
I know, weird question, but as a Nintendo fan, it seems like there really isn't much benefit to living here compared to living just about anywhere else. Nintendo fans are extremely rare in the country in general, our branch of Nintendo often does sod all as far as advertising or promotions and frankly speaking, I suspect I'd find more friends and happiness somewhere where gaming wasn't all about the Xbox and Playstation.

I also suspect that as a gaming news site owner, the time zone just doesn't really work out over here. The internet, like it or not, basically runs in America time. Announcements are made when it's convenient for Americans, Directs and presentations are held when people from the US and Canada are up rather than when people from Europe or Australia are awake.

Should I consider just leaving the country, since there's no way I can be happy in this region?
No. All current Nintendo games come out first there (besides Japan), Europe gets extra perks such as physical versions of games that are digital only in NA, some games like Splatoon are cheaper in Europe, the Virtual Console selection is far better over there, the only downside to being in Europe is that sometimes you don't get translations with memes in them, and you don't get some indie games.

(also you'd probably have just as much luck finding Nintendo fan friends here too)
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Move to Seattle and live in the dumpster near NoA's headquarters.

Move in general if you want. If having people to play games with is what makes you happy, online can usually do the trick.
Actually, I've found an unfortunate reason to stay. Namely, my interests also lie in politics, and you tend not to be able to run for prime minister/president of a country you weren't born in.

So I'll join one of the political parties first, and then if I lose as MP, then reconsider.
It could be the case that there are people just like you in UK, but they need a nudge so they can find each other.
Here in Australia I used to feel the same way but I've come across of a few by trying to find local groups in facebook and stuff.
Before moving someone else, try first spending a few weeks to make sure that after the novelty wears off you still will like it.
I know some people from Europe in general who are complaning about how far back they are in terms of gaming releases. Like how Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was released in the U.S. almost a month ago but Europe won't see it for another 2 months.
Try to live where you belong from but If you are not happy then go a head and don't worry about what will happen. Don't think to much.

Just live where you want.
Why don't you move to Japan where Nintendo and Sony's headquarters are? You can get all the awesome over there in their home country as well as an independent interview with the man himself...

Shigeru Miyamoto!
I really dont get the point of leaving UK, you are well suited to stay at your place. Better interwebs connection. If you go to parts of asia the net connection suffers by a lot!