Should Kids and teens do housework for their allowance if they have an allowance.


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Yes, making kids to teens do house work might teach kids and teens a value of a dollar if they do housework to get an allowance if their parents give them an allowance.
Nope. Kids these days have to learn that you won't always be rewarded for hard work. Besides, they should learn to do stuff even if there is no incentive or gain out of it.
Indeed, kids should learn how to do things without cash rewards like volunteering, but making kids do work for allowances is better then just giving them cash and presents for doing nothing.
Responsibility. All I have to say; it speaks for itself, because I do the same.
Nope. Kids these days have to learn that you won't always be rewarded for hard work. Besides, they should learn to do stuff even if there is no incentive or gain out of it.

Excellent point, however, giving them an allowance in exchange for them doing chores is the first step to teaching them the value of a dollar, and that money doesn't grow on trees. If they have to work hard around the house, for an allowance, especially, if they want to save up for something, then it teaches them the importance of saving your money to buy something that you want, and the value of hard work.

Otherwise, if they got an allowance for doing nothing, and always asked their parents for money without earning it, then they will grow up expecting to get everything handed to them instead of working for it.

So giving your kid an allowance in exchange for hard work teaches them many life lessons.
Heh, I'm 15 and I earn money from doing nothing.
I believe that's the ideal way for kids to learn stuff.

Too bad that, some people view that as a business transaction.
Kids no ! - they should play and enjoy being a kid first !
Teens yes ! - to prepare them for the world outside of the house and school !