Should student debt be canceled?


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Just something to debate about, it is a topic that keeps coming up in a teasing manner in USA news of Biden possibly, or being able to cancel a certain sum or all of the debt for college students. Do you think such authority person should cancel it all? Some of it? Or not do anything?
In the UK, you have both free and paid. I believe College/University is Free in Scotland but paid in England, could be wrong on that. Either way, make Education free if it's viable.
College has become more and more expensive. That's the reason why so many people are hesitant to go to college/uni. I would rather not start off my adulthood with a big debt for going to school.
College has become more and more expensive. That's the reason why so many people are hesitant to go to college/uni. I would rather not start off my adulthood with a big debt for going to school.

Specially with all the horror stories out there. I know I be living in a house right now if I didn't have the debt.
I feel education should be free, and cancelling the debt could help the local economy because more people could afford to buy things like food, housing, etc if they have less debt.
Specially with all the horror stories out there. I know I be living in a house right now if I didn't have the debt.

Yeah, that's the problem. It seems like a lot of people can't move on with their lives because they have so much debt from going to college.

But on the other hand, some people believe that could cancel other things before canceling student loans.
If it's free the government takes it out of our taxes. If it's forgiven then it wouldn't be fair for the others that don't get it that way because the rich have been doing that before. And the people going to college are also the ones who can afford it. If they can't then they have to work somewhere to pay it off first. If they don't they owe everyone else that has no debt. Yeah, high-paying college-based jobs make it feel like you are being paid to have their indoctrination does it not?
If it's free the government takes it out of our taxes. If it's forgiven then it wouldn't be fair for the others that don't get it that way because the rich have been doing that before. And the people going to college are also the ones who can afford it. If they can't then they have to work somewhere to pay it off first. If they don't they owe everyone else that has no debt. Yeah, high-paying college-based jobs make it feel like you are being paid to have their indoctrination does it not?

And if you can't find work to pay it off?
And if you can't find work to pay it off?
Then someone or something is at fault. Or there's something off with the job market to where there is a need already being met and then we can be allowed to blame the corporations but in this time and day in age, I think the location/commute is the biggest issue.
Then someone or something is at fault. Or there's something off with the job market to where there is a need already being met and then we can be allowed to blame the corporations but in this time and day in age, I think the location/commute is the biggest issue.

Job market for a lot of things, companies not wanting college fresh grads and surplus of people in the same profession.
You think ordinary people who have never gone to college and earn very little compared to college grads should have their tax money used to pay for the richer kids who go to college? This is just a wealth transfer from the average person into the hands of the people who are one level richer. And with the college's and universities in the US fleecing you with their exorbitant fees it is literally just a band-aid fix on an underlying problem.
You think ordinary people who have never gone to college and earn very little compared to college grads should have their tax money used to pay for the richer kids who go to college? This is just a wealth transfer from the average person into the hands of the people who are one level richer. And with the college's and universities in the US fleecing you with their exorbitant fees it is literally just a band-aid fix on an underlying problem.

Doesn't seem to be a concern for countries that offer free college that has such a setup.

Though I can understand the anger of those paying for other's college in a way, but it at the same time would help the tax payers as well.

In theory, those without debt would go out and spend more, the more they spend the more the local communities profit and flourish.

I am apart of that theory as I hardly spend any money due to what I owe, but if debt free I would certinally go out and spend more.
Doesn't seem to be a concern for countries that offer free college that has such a setup.

Though I can understand the anger of those paying for other's college in a way, but it at the same time would help the tax payers as well.

In theory, those without debt would go out and spend more, the more they spend the more the local communities profit and flourish.

I am apart of that theory as I hardly spend any money due to what I owe, but if debt free I would certinally go out and spend more.

The countries where college is free don't have universities that are publicly traded on the stock market. That and hospitals being publicly traded institutions with no price control is the literal root of all your problems. Why are those two things commoditized and open for price gouging in the US? The price the consumer pays is vastly higher than what the companies pay to produce the goods/service. And when the topic of forgiveness comes up the companies quote the selling price which makes it seem like a much bigger sum than it really is. So the government essentially becomes the customer and the execs make a profit and will keep doing what they're doing and the next generation will have the exact same issue.
Then there's the fact that there aren't any government run alternatives that provide cheap education/healthcare which would limit how much the private versions of the same can price gouge because then there's always a cheap alternative if they're aren't competitive on price/quality.
The countries where college is free don't have universities that are publicly traded on the stock market. That and hospitals being publicly traded institutions with no price control is the literal root of all your problems. Why are those two things commoditized and open for price gouging in the US? The price the consumer pays is vastly higher than what the companies pay to produce the goods/service. And when the topic of forgiveness comes up the companies quote the selling price which makes it seem like a much bigger sum than it really is. So the government essentially becomes the customer and the execs make a profit and will keep doing what they're doing and the next generation will have the exact same issue.
Then there's the fact that there aren't any government run alternatives that provide cheap education/healthcare which would limit how much the private versions of the same can price gouge because then there's always a cheap alternative if they're aren't competitive on price/quality.

There are things in place to help those with high hospital bills, little as it is though. I do agree that things stop need to be increased in price to help give the wealthy more money. If/when they do anything with college debt, they need to do something with future students so we don't have this issue again.
Job market for a lot of things, companies not wanting college fresh grads and surplus of people in the same profession.
So why should they not have debt because their only job is on the non-college pay scale which didn't help them in their career anyways? Also, the money is coming out of taxes everyone pays the same proportionally for anyways.
So why should they not have debt because their only job is on the non-college pay scale which didn't help them in their career anyways? Also, the money is coming out of taxes everyone pays the same proportionally for anyways.

Much of the debt does come from scummy colleges as well, doubling down on people who are already being beaten up by life.

I believe the drive for this is to get the entire populace out of a issue to hopefully better support the economy.
Much of the debt does come from scummy colleges as well, doubling down on people who are already being beaten up by life.

I believe the drive for this is to get the entire populace out of a issue to hopefully better support the economy.
I had a friend go to a Community College and he had that as an issue and also he just didn't get certain concepts in later maths.

But there are people who decide not to go to college for this reason and they would still have to pay in through taxes.