skin section


Naruto Uzumaki

can GF have a section were you can request and simit skins?
I can add a section but I don't believe that we have anybody who can make skins.
well then you could just let people find the skins.or request and let them find it.
QUOTE (Naruto Uzumaki @ November 06, 2008 07:16 pm) well then you could just let people find the skins.or request and let them find it.
I don't get what your saying? to put up a skin forum we would need people who make skins and post them. to find other skins and post them here could get us into a lot of trouble. also I don't know a lot of people who would go out of there way searching for skins.
Hello, I make skins, not often, but I do...

Christ, TSK makes them also.