

We has snow. Anyone else experiencing white death? I get to stay home today because of it. I suppose it's because of the ice and zero degree wind chill.
no snow here yet, lucky bastards...
I remembe when i would wake up before school and hope for a 2 hour delay r cancelation. ah...good times.
Darn it, I live in Australia but not in an area that gets snow... No fair!

Oh well, if I want a snowball fight, I'll just play Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games.
Dang it my school is closed today. T_T
Why so glum about this? :s

Also, no snow here yet. I can't wait for snow but stupid New England weather is deciding to be 50 degrees farenheit in Boston today so all the rain we are getting is just rain, and not snow.
I have snow that fell early December, and there's still lumps of it in our garden
(it's just been so cold it's only just melted, because it finally warmed up over 0C).
We had a little snow today, but not even more then a few centimeters. I watched the news for about a half hour, hoping for some sort of delay. Silly me and my little fantasies.
Well I start with a 2 hour delay tomorrow. T_T Better not be another closing.
What does ATM mean?

Also I care because of the 3 day thing. I mean would you want to go during Summer? I'm planning my Summer out as it is. I don't need these getting in my way.