So, about that earthquake in Japan...


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I'm surprised I can't find a topic about it. Still, I hope the Japanese people can cope through this disaster, and that despite all the lives lost, injuries, damage to just about everything and problems at nuclear power stations, it'll all be fine.

On the bright side, Nintendo is apparently fine, and none of their employees were affected too badly by it. Some problems at Game Freak involving stranded staff and broken elevators, but that's cleared up now and all their employees are safe as well.
Maybe you should make some sort of "Serious Discussion" part of the forum for all the real world stuff and other related items.

But anyway, an 8.9 for them, Yikes.
My best wishes to all of them.
Well, I'd just moderate/ban anyone acting like a selfish idiot in this topic, so no need for a seperate real world forum. But yeah, that's a really powerful Earthquake and tsunami that recently hit the country and it's apparently the worst crisis since World War 2.
Like someone on GameFAQs was like "I hope they don't delay the 3DS" -- of course, the 3DS isn't even being manufactured in Japan at all, AFAIK. But if somehow the 3DS production line was affected, I'd be a little upset that I'd have to wait longer, but still, what's more important? The best Nintendo handheld system ever.... or life?
They've had to deal with the earthquakes, tsunamis, the nuclear explosions and now I think there are volcanoes near Japan that are starting to act up too (correct me if I'm wrong). I completely forgot about businesses like Nintendo and GameFreak and more being in Japan, and I'm glad to hear nothing too bad has happened there. It's kind of starting to freak me out, how all these natural disasters are wanting to happen all at once.
I sure hope nothing else happens to them, but unfortunately there's a huge risk of another big earthquake, plus with more than 250 aftershocks, nuclear reactors going wonky and a tidal wave...

...They better be careful. I hope Japan can cope with this disaster, and I'm actually sure they will.
It's sad because there are some guys that have played on the same server as me on Black Ops who live in Japan and haven't been on since. :'(
I feel bad because so many lives were lost for no reason and lots were injured. But ive just heard some stuff from other people.
You know whats horrible? The amount of Americans that said this was pay back for what happened at Pearl Harbor. It makes me sad that there are people this ignorant in my country.

If we're talking in their mentality, this should have happened to America because we killed about 200,000 innocent people from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, compared to the 2,000 death toll of Pearl Harbor. How in any way can this be justifiable?

People make me sick.
70 years later, you'd think everyone would forgive.
Guess not.

Dwelling on the past solves nothing, but people can just be like that..

If these quakes continue, I hope they'll be able to leave and take shelter in neighboring countries. It's such a small place it must be scary with that manyy people in a disaster like this. Things will hopefully work out for the better.
You know whats horrible? The amount of Americans that said this was pay back for what happened at Pearl Harbor. It makes me sad that there are people this ignorant in my country.

If we're talking in their mentality, this should have happened to America because we killed about 200,000 innocent people from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, compared to the 2,000 death toll of Pearl Harbor. How in any way can this be justifiable?

People make me sick.
Not to mention America invaded vietnam.
And they still failed.

Yeah, all my apologies for the Japanese, it would suck if that happened to me.
You know whats horrible? The amount of Americans that said this was pay back for what happened at Pearl Harbor. It makes me sad that there are people this ignorant in my country.

If we're talking in their mentality, this should have happened to America because we killed about 200,000 innocent people from the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, compared to the 2,000 death toll of Pearl Harbor. How in any way can this be justifiable?

People make me sick.
orly? Every single Japanese citizen promoted and helped in Pearl Harbor? Quite unlikely. Let alone us bombing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians is a crime against humanityon its own, let alone the concentration camps we sent the Japanese to.

How someone can be ignorant to hope pain on innocent people for something unrelated to them is just ridiculous.
Hear the latest? It seems there was another two explosions earlier today, from what I heard. Things ain't going well, but let's just hope that they get better quickly!!
Take this next bit of information with a grain of salt, but my sister was talking about how someone from her work read how a while back, there were earthquakes in Chile, then in New Zealand, then in Japan and later in California. I don't know about Chile, but NZ and Japan both got hit in that order, so yeah... I'm hoping this apparent trend doesn't continue (I didn't verify this, don't take it to be 100% and don't freakin' kill me if it's fiction, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!)
Take this next bit of information with a grain of salt, but my sister was talking about how someone from her work read how a while back, there were earthquakes in Chile, then in New Zealand, then in Japan and later in California. I don't know about Chile, but NZ and Japan both got hit in that order, so yeah... I'm hoping this apparent trend doesn't continue (I didn't verify this, don't take it to be 100% and don't freakin' kill me if it's fiction, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!)
Chile is on the edge of a boundary between the South American plate and the Nazca plate.
New Zealand is on the edge of a boundary between the Indo-Australian plate and the Pacific plate.
Japan is on the edge of a boundary between the Eurasian plate and Pacific plate.
California is on the edge of a boundary between the North American plate and Pacific Plate.

All 4 of those places are active because they're right on the boundaries so of course they will have Earth quakes. They have tons of them all the time. Tiny ones daily, huge ones, like the one that hit Japan, aren't as common, but they are bound to happen.

Those 4 places having earth quakes is no coincidence. All of them are on the Pacific Ring of Fire, the most tectonically active region on the Earth. It's not a growing trend, earthquakes and tectonic activity have been going on since the beginning of time.